How to use
Add the package to your project.
yarn add --dev @lendi/typescript-eslint-config
Create a .eslintrc.js file in the root of the project and paste in the following code:
const frontend = require('@lendi/typescript-eslint-config').frontend;
frontend.parserOptions.project = './tsconfig.esm.json';
module.exports = frontend;
To specifically import the backend configuration, just change all instances of the word frontend to backend in the above block of code. The major difference between the two is detection and linting of jsx code.
Add the following script to your package.json:
"eslint": "./node_modules/.bin/eslint -c .eslintrc.js --ext .js,.jsx,.ts,.tsx ./"
The last argument should be the location of where eslint should be run against (e.g. src/ or packages/).
For any issues, please contact the HUB team.