To get started quickly you can add liip-npm-icons
dependency to your project:
npm install @liip/npm-icons
Then create a config file .npm-iconsrc.json
and where you want to download your icons
"iconsPath": "./src/assets/icons",
Extended configuration
You would need to add the following variable to your .npm-iconsrc.json
"iconsPath": "./src/assets/icons",
"iconsSvgBaseUrl": "",
"iconsJsonUrl": "",
"iconsTypes": ["regular", "light"],
"authorization": {
"username": null,
"password": null
Basic command use
npx icons add <icon-name>
Vue 3 integration
- First we need to install vite-svg-loader to be able to use svg files as vue components:
npm install vite-svg-loader --save-dev
- Add svgLoader to
import svgLoader from 'vite-svg-loader'
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [vue(), svgLoader()]
- Add the vue icon component
import { createApp } from 'vue'
import App from './App.vue'
import BaseIcon from '@liip/npm-icons'
- Use the baseIcon component passing the icon name
<BaseIcon name="house" />
- (Optional) In case your icons are not located on-
<BaseIcon name="house" iconsPath="/different/icons/path" />
To contribute first clone the project:
git clone
The tool release-it is used to make a release
so it is as simple as running the following command:
npm run release
Update documentation
Our documentation is made with nuxt-content and the docs theme
If you want to make any changes you need execute the following commands:
cd docs
npm install
npm run dev
The deployment is made with github pages using static files thanks to
nuxt generate.
If you want to deploy some changes just run npm run release
then answer yes to the question Do you want to build the docs?
then release-it will run nuxt generate
and commit the changes into the
tag commit.