🛠 Status: Pilot Phase
Lion Web Components are still in an early alpha stage; they should not be considered production ready yet.
The goal of our pilot phase is to gather feedback from a private group of users.
Therefore, during this phase, we kindly ask you to:
- not publicly promote or link us yet: (no tweets, blog posts or other forms of communication about Lion Web Components)
- not publicly promote or link products derived from/based on Lion Web Components
As soon as Pilot Phase ends we will let you know (feel free to subscribe to this issue https://github.com/ing-bank/lion/issues/1)
is the global manager for handling all ajax requests.
It is a promise based system for fetching data, based on axios
- only JS functions, no (unnecessarily expensive) web components
- supports GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, REQUEST, PATCH and HEAD methods
- can be used with or without XSRF token
How to use
npm i --save @lion/ajax
import { ajax } from '@lion/ajax';
.then(response => {
.catch(error => {
Create own instances for custom options
import { AjaxClass } from '@lion/ajax';
const myAjax = AjaxClass.getNewInstance({ cancelable: true });
.then(response => {
document.querySelector('#canceled').innerHTML = JSON.stringify(response.data);
.catch(error => {
document.querySelector('#canceled').innerHTML = `I got cancelled: ${error.message}`;
setTimeout(() => {
myAjax.cancel('too slow');
}, 1);
Cancel previous on new request
import { AjaxClass } from '@lion/ajax';
const myAjax = AjaxClass.getNewInstance({ cancelPreviousOnNewRequest: true });
.then(response => {
document.querySelector('#request1').innerHTML = 'Request 1: ' + JSON.stringify(response.data);
.catch(error => {
document.querySelector('#request1').innerHTML = `Request 1: I got cancelled: ${error.message}`;
.then(response => {
document.querySelector('#request2').innerHTML = 'Request 2: ' + JSON.stringify(response.data);
.catch(error => {
document.querySelector('#request2').innerHTML = `Request 2: I got cancelled: ${error.message}`;
Due to a bug in axios options may leak in to other instances. So please avoid setting global options in axios. Interceptors have no issues.
Future plans
- Endplan is to remove axios and replace it with fetch
- This wrapper exist so that this switch should not mean any breaking changes for our users