Overlays System
🛠 Status: Pilot Phase
Lion Web Components are still in an early alpha stage; they should not be considered production ready yet.
The goal of our pilot phase is to gather feedback from a private group of users.
Therefore, during this phase, we kindly ask you to:
- not publicly promote or link us yet: (no tweets, blog posts or other forms of communication about Lion Web Components)
- not publicly promote or link products derived from/based on Lion Web Components
As soon as Pilot Phase ends we will let you know (feel free to subscribe to this issue https://github.com/ing-bank/lion/issues/1)
Supports different types of overlays like dialogs, toasts, tooltips, dropdown, etc...
Manages their position on the screen relative to other elements, including other overlays.
Overlays manager
This is a global singleton needed to manage positions of multiple dialogs next to each other on the entire page.
It does the job automatically, but you need to add every newly created overlay to it using the code provided below:
How to use
npm i --save @lion/ajax
import { overlays } from '@lion/overlays';
const myCtrl = overlays.add(
new OverlayTypeController({
This is a base class for different global overlays (e.g. a dialog) - the ones positioned relatively to the viewport.
You should not use this controller directly unless you want to create a unique type of global overlays which is not supported out of the box.
All supported types of global overlays are described below.
import { ModalDialogController } from '@lion/overlays';
This is an extension of GlobalOverlayController configured to create accessible modal dialogs.
This is a base class for different local overlays (e.g. a tooltip) - the ones positioned next to invokers they are related to.
You should not use this controller directly unless you want to create a unique type of local overlays which is not supported out of the box.
All supported types of local overlays are described below.
This is currently WIP.
Stay tuned for updates on new types of overlays.