Frontend HTTP client
Opinionated HTTP client for the frontend.
Note that it is a ESM-only package.
Basic usage
import wretch from 'wretch'
import { z } from 'zod'
const client = wretch('http://localhost:8000')
const queryParamsSchema = z.object({
param1: z.string(),
param2: z.number(),
const requestBodySchema = z.object({
requestCode: z.number(),
const responseBodySchema = z.object({
success: z.boolean(),
const responseBody = await sendPost(client, {
path: '/',
body: { requestCode: 100 },
queryParams: { param1: 'test', param2: 123 },
No content response handling (HTTP 204)
SDK methods has a parameter (isEmptyResponseExpected
) to specify if 204 response should be treated as an error or not. By default it is treated as
valid except on sendGet
method where it is treated as an error. Usage example:
const response = await sendGet(client, {
path: '/',
isEmptyResponseExpected: true,
if 204
responses are expected, the library will return null, if not, it will throw an error.
Non-JSON response handling
SDK methods has a parameter (isNonJSONResponseExpected
) to specify if non json responses should be treated as an error
or not. By default it is treated as valid except on sendGet
method where it is treated as an error. Usage example:
const response = await sendGet(client, {
path: '/',
isNonJSONResponseExpected: true,
if non-JSON responses are expected, the library will return null, if not, it will throw an error.
API contract-based requests
supports using API contracts, created with @lokalise/universal-ts-utils/api-contracts/apiContracts
in order to make fully type-safe HTTP requests.
Usage example:
import { somePostRouteDefinition, someGetRouteDefinition } from 'some-service-api-contracts'
import { sendByPayloadRoute } from '@lokalise/frontend-http-client'
import wretch from 'wretch'
const client = wretch(BASE_URL)
const responseBody1 = await sendByPayloadRoute(client, somePostRouteDefinition, {
pathParams: {
userId: 1,
body: {
isActive: true,
const responseBody2 = await sendByGetRoute(client, someGetRouteDefinition, {
pathParams: {
userId: 1,
queryParams: {
id: 'testId',
This library is brought to you by a joint effort of Lokalise engineers: