Love's Web Error Handler
A library to format errors as JSON to send back to web clients based on where the application is
npm install @loves/loves-web-error-handler
Creates consistent web api errors in the format:
statusCode: 500,
errorCode: '',
message: '',
errors: [
field: '',
message: ''
const lovesErrorHandler = require('@loves/loves-web-error-handler');
-- Converts Error object to above. Retains all above fields if provided.
badRequest(message, errorCode)
-- Creates a 400 with customizable error messaging (Default: 'Invalid request.')
resourceNotFound(message, errorCode)
-- Creates a 404 with customizable error messaging (Default: 'The requested resource could not be found.')
internalServerError(message, errorCode)
-- Creates a 500 with customizable error messaging (Default: 'An error has occurred.')
unauthorized(message, errorCode)
-- Creates a 401 with customizable error messaging (Default: 'Access is denied due to invalid credentials.')
validationError(message, errorCode)
-- Creates a 422 with customizable error messaging (Default: 'Form validation failed.')
addValidationError(err, field, message)
-- Appends field level validation error messaging to existing error object.