React Native Image Viewer
- Double tap to zoom image
- Pinch to zoom image
- Swipe down to close
- Caption and summaries
yarn add @luu-truong/react-native-image-viewer react-native-gesture-handler
npm install @luu-truong/react-native-image-viewer react-native-gesture-handler
To complete installation you must following this guide to setup react-native-gesture-handler
import ImageViewer from '@luu-truong/react-native-image-viewer';
function Example() {
const [visible, setVisible] = React.useState(false);
const images = [
source: {
uri: 'https://...',
headers: {
'X-Custom-Header': 'foo',
width: 1200,
height: 600
title: 'blah blah'
source: require('image.png'),
return (
<ImageViewer images={images} visible={visible} onClose={() => setVisible(false)} imageProps={{
initialWidth: 200,
initialHeight: 200,
renderFooter: (title?: string) => (<Text>{title}</Text>)
}} />
Image Viewer Component Props:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
debug | boolean | no | Print debug message. Default: false |
imageProps | object | no | Props passed to Image component. See Image Component Props |
visible | boolean | yes | |
images | Array | yes | |
initialIndex | number | no | Show image index at initialize |
onClose | () => void | yes | Callback when close image viewer |
animationType | string | no | |
Image Component Props:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
initialWidth | number | no | Default: 200 |
initialHeight | number | no | Default: 200 |
renderFooter | (title?: string) => JSX.Element | null | no |
debug | boolean | no | Default: false |
If you want to play with the API but don't feel like to trying it on a real device. Clone the repo and go to
folder and run:
yarn install
If you want to try IOS, run pod install
in the ios folder.
Run yarn start
to start metro server.
Run yarn ios
to playing with iOS simulator
Run yarn android
to playing with Android simulator
React native support
version | react-native version |
1.x.x | 0.64.0+ |