This is a web-component from Maggioli Design System Magma, built with StencilJS, TypeScript, Storybook. It's based on the web-component standard and it's designed to be agnostic from the JavaScirpt framework you are using.
Property | Attribute | Description | Type | Default |
animation | animation | Specifies if the text is animated when it is rendered | "none" | "yugop" | undefined | 'none' |
tag | tag | Specifies the HTML tag of the element | "address" | "abbr" | "article" | "b" | "bdo" | "blockquote" | "cite" | "code" | "dd" | "del" | "details" | "dfn" | "div" | "dl" | "dt" | "em" | "figcaption" | "h1" | "h2" | "h3" | "h4" | "h5" | "h6" | "i" | "ins" | "kbd" | "label" | "legend" | "li" | "mark" | "ol" | "p" | "pre" | "q" | "rt" | "ruby" | "s" | "samp" | "small" | "span" | "strong" | "sub" | "summary" | "sup" | "time" | "u" | "ul" | "var" | "rb" | undefined |
text | text | Specifies the text string to the component instead of passing an HTML node | string | undefined | undefined |
truncate | truncate | Specifies if the text shoud be truncated or should behave as a normal text | "all" | "none" | "word" | undefined | undefined |
typography | typography | Specifies the font typography of the element | "action" | "caption" | "detail" | "h1" | "h2" | "h3" | "h4" | "h5" | "h6" | "hack" | "label" | "option" | "paragraph" | "snippet" | "tip" | 'detail' |
variant | variant | Specifies the variant for typography | "code" | "info" | "read" | "title" | undefined | undefined |
Slot | Description |
"default" | Add text string to this slot, avoid to add HTML elements or components here. |
CSS Custom Properties
Name | Description |
--mds-text-line-clamp | Sets the max number of visible lines before the text overflows with ellipsis. It works only if attribute truncate='all' is set . WARNING: this is supported only by Chrome, Safare and Firefox with native browser prefixes. |
--mds-text-selection-background | Sets the background-color of the text when the text is selected |
--mds-text-selection-color | Sets the color of the text when the text is selected |
Used by
graph TD;
mds-accordion-item --> mds-text
mds-accordion-timer-item --> mds-text
mds-badge --> mds-text
mds-banner --> mds-text
mds-benchmark-bar --> mds-text
mds-bibliography --> mds-text
mds-breadcrumb-item --> mds-text
mds-button --> mds-text
mds-chip --> mds-text
mds-file --> mds-text
mds-file-preview --> mds-text
mds-filter --> mds-text
mds-filter-item --> mds-text
mds-img --> mds-text
mds-input-field --> mds-text
mds-input-range --> mds-text
mds-input-switch --> mds-text
mds-input-tip-item --> mds-text
mds-input-upload --> mds-text
mds-kpi-item --> mds-text
mds-label --> mds-text
mds-list-item --> mds-text
mds-notification --> mds-text
mds-paginator-item --> mds-text
mds-pref-animation --> mds-text
mds-pref-consumption --> mds-text
mds-pref-contrast --> mds-text
mds-pref-theme --> mds-text
mds-price-table-features --> mds-text
mds-price-table-features-cell --> mds-text
mds-price-table-list-item --> mds-text
mds-push-notification --> mds-text
mds-quote --> mds-text
mds-stepper-bar-item --> mds-text
mds-tab-bar-item --> mds-text
mds-toast --> mds-text
mds-tooltip --> mds-text
mds-url-view --> mds-text
mds-usage --> mds-text
style mds-text fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
Built with love @ Gruppo Maggioli from R&D Department