This package gather all themes for Joy design system.
This includes a set of tokens in the form of css variables applied to :root
As each theme is a simple group of CSS custom properties, you can easily override a specific value if needed.
:root {
// ...
--joy-color-neutral-60: #000;
This package includes all "Tokens" defined for Joy design system.
You can find all of it on our Zeroheight documentation.
Tokens types
- Colors
- Functional colors
- Elevations
- Border radius
- Spacing
- Transition (animation)
- Layers (z-index)
- Forms
- Typography (font-family, font-size, font-weight, line-height)
This package is meant to be used with @maltjoy/themes.
But if you need to fully customize tokens, you can create you own theme:
@use './tokens/src/tokens' with (
$joy-color-neutral-60: #000,
$joy-font-size-primary-300: 9px,
$joy-core-spacing-base: 3px,
// and so on...
:root {
@include tokens.getPaletteProperties();
@include tokens.getContextualPaletteProperties();
@include tokens.getTextPaletteProperties();
@include tokens.getFunctionalPaletteProperties();
@include tokens.getSkeletonProperties();
@include tokens.getOverlayProperties();
@include tokens.getElevationsProperties();
@include tokens.getFontsProperties();
@include tokens.getRadiusProperties();
@include tokens.getSpacingProperties();
@include tokens.getAnimationsProperties();
@include tokens.getZindexProperties();
@include tokens.getFormsProperties();
All original modules are accessible from SCSS source files.