This package has been separated, currently only the modules belonging to the core folder are found.
The static and shared folders were moved to @ maplander/static and @maplander/shared respectively.
npm i @maplander core types
Getting Started
These instructions will help you set up your project with @maplander
@maplander/core It is composed of modules:
- BrowserInterceptorsModule / ServerInterceptorsModule
- InjectorModule
- ClipboardModule
- MetaModule
- NetworkModule
- SnackBarModule
Unfortunately SnackBarModule must be imported at the root of your project since modules within 'core' depend on it.
Internationalization (i18n)
To manage multiple languages it is necessary manage i18n files with this structure:
|- src
| |- app
| |- assets
| | |-i18n
| | | |-core
| |- environments
| |- styles
Add the next key/value pairs:
"loader_message": "This operation may take several minutes ...",
"clipboard_message": "Link copied to clipboard",
"error_message": "An error has occurred",
"offline_message": "Internet connection has been lost",
"online_message": "Back online",
"ok": "OK"
Authors and Contributions
Copyright (C) MapLander S. de R.L de C.V - All Rights Reserved Unauthorized copying of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited Proprietary and confidential
All rights reserved