Mashroom Helmet
Plugin for Mashroom Server, a Integration Platform for Microfrontends.
This plugin adds the Helmet middleware which sets a bunch of protective HTTP headers
on each response.
If node_modules/@mashroom is configured as plugin path just add @mashroom/mashroom-helmet as dependency.
You can override the default config in your Mashroom config file like this:
"plugins": {
"Mashroom Helmet Middleware": {
"helmet": {
"contentSecurityPolicy": false,
"dnsPrefetchControl ": {
"allow": false
"expectCt": false,
"featurePolicy": false,
"frameguard": {
"action": "deny"
"hidePoweredBy": false,
"hsts": {
"maxAge": 31536000
"ieNoOpen": false,
"noSniff": {},
"permittedCrossDomainPolicies": false,
"referrerPolicy": false,
"xssFilter": {
"mode": null
- helmet: The configuration will directly be passed to Helmet middelware. Checkout the Helmet Documentation
for available options. You should enable the noCache module because this would significantly decrease the performance
of the Mashroom Portal.