What is @mdn/browser-compat-data?
@mdn/browser-compat-data is a comprehensive dataset that provides browser compatibility information for various web technologies, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and more. It is maintained by MDN Web Docs and is useful for developers who need to know which features are supported by different browsers.
What are @mdn/browser-compat-data's main functionalities?
Check CSS property support
This feature allows you to check the browser compatibility of a specific CSS property. In this example, it checks the compatibility of the 'border-radius' property.
const bcd = require('@mdn/browser-compat-data');
const css = bcd.css.properties;
Check JavaScript API support
This feature allows you to check the browser compatibility of a specific JavaScript API. In this example, it checks the compatibility of the 'Promise' API.
const bcd = require('@mdn/browser-compat-data');
const js = bcd.javascript.builtins;
Check HTML element support
This feature allows you to check the browser compatibility of a specific HTML element. In this example, it checks the compatibility of the 'video' element.
const bcd = require('@mdn/browser-compat-data');
const html = bcd.html.elements;
Other packages similar to @mdn/browser-compat-data
caniuse-lite is a smaller, more compact version of the data from caniuse.com. It provides browser support tables for various web technologies. Compared to @mdn/browser-compat-data, caniuse-lite is more lightweight and focuses on providing quick access to compatibility data.
browserslist is a tool that allows you to specify which browsers you want to support in your project. It uses data from caniuse-lite to determine browser compatibility. While @mdn/browser-compat-data provides detailed compatibility information, browserslist helps you configure your project to support specific browsers.
This repository contains compatibility data for Web technologies.
Browser compatibility data describes which platforms (where "platforms" are
usually, but not always, web browsers) support particular Web APIs.
This data can be used in documentation, to build compatibility tables listing
browser support for APIs. For example:
Browser support for WebExtension APIs.
Read how this project is governed.
Chat on chat.mozilla.org#mdn.
Installation and Import
You can install @mdn/browser-compat-data
as a node package.
npm install @mdn/browser-compat-data
yarn add @mdn/browser-compat-data
Then, you can import BCD into your project with either import
or require()
import bcd from '@mdn/browser-compat-data' assert { type: 'json' };
import bcd from '@mdn/browser-compat-data/forLegacyNode';
const bcd = require('@mdn/browser-compat-data');
You can import @mdn/browser-compat-data
using a CDN.
import bcd from 'https://unpkg.com/@mdn/browser-compat-data' assert { type: 'json' };
Other Languages
You can obtain the raw compatibility data for @mdn/browser-compat-data
using a CDN and loading the data.json
file included in releases.
Once you have imported BCD, you can access the compatibility data for any feature by accessing the properties of the dictionary.
const support = bcd.css.properties.background.__compat;
const support = bcd['api']['Document']['body']['__compat'];
Package contents
The @mdn/browser-compat-data
package contains a tree of objects, with support and browser data objects at their leaves. There are over 12,000 features in the dataset; this documentation highlights significant portions, but many others exist at various levels of the tree.
The definitive description of the format used to represent individual features and browsers is the schema definitions.
Apart from the explicitly documented objects below, feature-level support data may change at any time. See Semantic versioning policy for details.
The package contains the following top-level objects:
Data for Web API features.
Data for browser and engine releases. See the browser schema for details.
Data for CSS features, including:
- at-rulesproperties
- propertiesselectors
- selectors (such as basic selectors, combinators, or pseudo elements)types
- types for rule values
Data for HTML features, including:
- Elementsglobal_attributes
- Global attributesmanifest
- Web App manifest keys
Data for HTTP features, including:
- Request and response headersmethods
- Request methodsstatus
- Status codes
Data for JavaScript language features, including:
- Built-in objectsclasses
- Class definition featuresfunctions
- Function featuresgrammar
- Language grammaroperators
- Mathematical and logical operatorsstatements
- Language statements and expressions
Data for MathML features, including:
Data for SVG features, including:
- Attributeselements
- Elements
Data for WebDriver features.
Data for WebExtensions features, including:
- WebExtension-specific APIsmanifest
- manifest.json
Semantic versioning policy
For the purposes of semantic versioning (SemVer), the public API consists of:
- The high-level namespace objects documented in Package contents
- The schema definitions for browser and support data structures
- The TypeScript definitions
The details of browser compatibility change frequently, as browsers ship new features, standards organizations revise specifications, and Web developers discover new bugs. We routinely publish updates to the package to reflect these changes.
You should expect lower-level namespaces, feature data, and browser data to be added, removed, or modified at any time. That said, we strive to communicate changes and preserve backward compatibility; if you rely on a currently undocumented portion of the package and want SemVer to apply to it, please open an issue.
If you find a problem, please file a bug.
We're very happy to accept contributions to this data. See Contributing to browser-compat-data for more information.
Projects using the data
Here are some projects using the data, as an npm module or directly:
- Add-ons Linter - the Add-ons Linter is used on addons.mozilla.org and the web-ext tool. It uses browser-compat-data to check that the Firefox version that the add-on lists support for does in fact support the APIs used by the add-on.
- caniuse - In addition to the existing caniuse database, caniuse includes features from the MDN BCD project, formatted and interactive like any other caniuse support table.
- CanIUse Embed - Thanks to the inclusion of MDN BCD data in caniuse, this embed tool allows for embedding BCD data into any project.
- Compat Report - Firefox Add-on that shows compatibility data for the current site in the developer tools.
- compat-tester - Scan local documents for compatibility issues.
- Visual Studio Code - Shows the compatibility information in the code completion popup.
- webhint.io - Hints to check if your CSS HTML and JavaScript have deprecated or not broadly supported features.
- WebStorm - JavaScript IDE allowing you to check whether all CSS properties you use are supported in the target browser version.
- Hexo Plugin: hexo-compat-report - Allows to embed MDN's compatibility table in a hexo blog post.
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