☁️ Mojito Modules - Connect Wallet
👨💻 React components for the Mojito Platform, Reference App and third-party projects, including
Connect Wallet.
Version: 1.0.1
Using this library in your project
You can install this project with one of these commands:
npm install @mojito-inc/connect-wallet
yarn add @mojito-inc/connect-wallet
import { ConnectWalletProvider } from '@mojitoinc/mojito-connect-wallet';
const WalletProvider = ({ children }: WalletProviderProps) => {
const [token, setToken] = useState<string>();
const client = useMemo(
() => ({
uri: Configuration.API_HOSTNAME,
token: token ? `Bearer ${ token }` : undefined,
return (
theme={ theme }
onAuthenticated={ setToken }
clientOptions={ client }>
{ children }
export default WalletProvider;
After setup ConnectWallet Provider
Following step:
- Connect Wallet Container
import { ConnectWalletContainer } from '@mojitoinc/mojito-connect-wallet';
const ConnectWalletPage = () => {
const config = {
ORG_ID: Configuration.ORG_ID ?? '',
paperClientId: Configuration.PAPER_CLIENT_ID ?? '',
paperNetworkName: Configuration.PAPER_NETWORK_NAME ?? '',
infuraId: Configuration.INFURA_ID ?? '',
const walletOptions = {
enableMetamask: true,
enableWalletConnect: true,
enableEmail: true,
const image = {
logo: 'https://res.cloudinary.com/duwztsuxj/image/upload/v1683870261/Frame_238173_cpwne5.png',
metamask: Images.METAMASK.src,
walletConnect: Images.WALLET_CONNECT.src,
error: 'https://res.cloudinary.com/duwztsuxj/image/upload/v1683870261/Frame_238173_cpwne5.png',
return (
open={ openModal }
config={ config }
walletOptions={ walletOptions }
image={ image }
isDisConnect={ disconnect }
walletAddress={ walletDetails.walletAddress }
onChangeWalletAddress={ onChangeWalletAddress }
onCloseModal={ onClickCloseModal } />
export default ConnectWalletPage;
Param | type | Required | Description |
open | boolean | ✅ | |
walletAddress | string | ✅ | |
isDisConnect | boolean | ✅ | |
config | Object | ✅ | config |
walletOptions | Object | ✅ | walletOptions |
image | Object | ✅ | image |
content | Object | | ContentData |
isRefetchBalance | boolean | | |
onCloseModal | function | ✅ | To close the Modal |
Param | type | Required | Description |
ORG_ID | string | ✅ | |
paperClientId | string | | |
infuraId | string | | |
paperNetworkName | any | | |
Param | type | Required | Description |
enableMetamask | boolean | ✅ | |
enableWalletConnect | boolean | ✅ | |
enableEmail | boolean | ✅ | |
Param | type | Required | Description |
logo | string | ✅ | |
metamask | string | ✅ | |
walletConnect | string | ✅ | |
error | string | ✅ | |
Param | type | Required | Description |
title | string | | |
description | string | | |