await anything synchronously.
Useful when you want to get the result of async operation inside a synchronous function, while rewriting the
to be an async one is not possible. (Maybe it's in 3rd party library, or a predefined callback like event handler, etc)
awaitable: a value can be awaited
return the promiseValue of awaitable just like using await, but synchronously.
const wait = require('@mybug/wait')
const su = require('superagent')
let resp = wait(su(''))
wait can resolve an operation which returns a promise, but not an operation which needs a callback.
you can either:
- wrap the operation to return a promise
- just call the operation, using @mybug/awaitor as callback, like below
const awaitor = require('@mybug/awaitor')
const wait = require('@mybug/wait')
let cb = awaitor()
let result = wait(cb)
function foo(a,b,cb){
also useful as debug tool
When being paused on a breakpoint, you can evaluate expressions but no async operations can be evaluated
Using @mybug/wait, you can evaluate an async operation, get the result of it, while still being paused
on the breakpoint.
Just evaluate wait(anyAsyncOperation())
you will see the
async operation gets done and returned.
You don't even have to require @mybug/wait in your code. Just install @mybug/wait as a devDependency. When debugging,
evaluate global.wait=process.mainModule.require('@mybug/wait')
. That's all.