This package is part of NDNts, Named Data Networking libraries for the modern web.
This package enables interaction with NDN-DPDK high-speed forwarder.
It can create faces for the NDNts application, and perform prefix registrations.
NDN-DPDK forwarder should be configured as follows:
- Management listener on TCP.
- Socket faces enabled.
Currently, there are several limitations using this package:
- Data plane uses UDP transport, which does not deliver the best performance.
- Prefix registration replaces a FIB entry, and does not preserve other prefix registrations on the same prefix.
- If the application crashes, the face would not be closed on NDN-DPDK side.
import { createFace } from "@ndn/dpdkmgmt";
import { Endpoint } from "@ndn/endpoint";
import { Forwarder } from "@ndn/fw";
import { Name, Interest, Data } from "@ndn/packet";
import { fromUtf8, toUtf8 } from "@ndn/tlv";
import { strict as assert } from "assert";
(async () => {
const localHost = process.env.DEMO_DPDKMGMT_LOCAL;
const host = process.env.DEMO_DPDKMGMT_FW;
if (!localHost || !host) {
To run @ndn/dpdkmgmt demo, set the following environment variables:
DEMO_DPDKMGMT_FW= IP address of NDN-DPDK forwarder
DEMO_DPDKMGMT_LOCAL= IP address to reach local host from NDN-DPDK forwarder
const fwC = Forwarder.create();
const fwP = Forwarder.create();
const uplinkC = await createFace({
fw: fwC,
uplinkC.addRoute(new Name("/"));
const uplinkP = await createFace({
fw: fwP,
console.log(`uplinkC=${uplinkC}`, `uplinkP=${uplinkP}`);
const producer = new Endpoint({ fw: fwP }).produce("/P",
async () => {
return new Data("/P", Data.FreshnessPeriod(1000), toUtf8("NDNts + NDN-DPDK"));
await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, 500));
const data = await new Endpoint({ fw: fwC }).consume(
new Interest("/P", Interest.MustBeFresh),
const payloadText = fromUtf8(data.content);
console.log("received", `${data.name} ${payloadText}`);
assert.equal(payloadText, "NDNts + NDN-DPDK");
await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, 500));