This package is part of NDNts, Named Data Networking libraries for the modern web.
This package implements 2014-version NDN naming conventions as specified in NDN-TR-0022 revision 1.
For 2019-version naming conventions, use @ndn/naming-convention2
import { Version, Segment } from "@ndn/naming-convention1";
import { Name } from "@ndn/packet";
import { strict as assert } from "node:assert";
const name = new Name("/A")
.append(Version, 3)
.append(Segment, 0);
assert.equal(name.toString(), "/8=A/8=%FD%03/8=%00%00");
assert.equal(name.at(-2).as(Version), 3);
assert.equal(name.at(-1).as(Segment), 0);