Alpha 🏗
A GraphQL to Cypher query execution layer for Neo4j and JavaScript GraphQL implementations.
- Introduction
- Reference
- Contributing
$ npm install @neo4j/graphql
⚠ graphql
is a peerDependency
$ npm install graphql
Quick Start
Import libraries using either import
import { makeAugmentedSchema } from "@neo4j/graphql";
import * as neo4j from "neo4j-driver";
import { ApolloServer } from "apollo-server";
Or require
const { makeAugmentedSchema } = require("@neo4j/graphql");
const neo4j = require("neo4j-driver");
const { ApolloServer } = require("apollo-server");
Then proceed to create schema objects and serve over port 4000 using Apollo Server:
const typeDefs = `
type Movie {
title: String
year: Int
imdbRating: Float
genres: [Genre] @relationship(type: "IN_GENRE", direction: "OUT")
type Genre {
name: String
movies: [Movie] @relationship(type: "IN_GENRE", direction: "IN")
const neoSchema = makeAugmentedSchema({ typeDefs });
const driver = neo4j.driver(
neo4j.auth.basic("neo4j", "letmein")
const server = new ApolloServer({
schema: neoSchema.schema,
context: ({ req }) => ({ req, driver }),
server.listen(4000).then(() => console.log("Online"));
Example Queries
Create Movie
mutation {
input: [{ title: "The Matrix", year: 1999, imdbRating: 8.7 }]
) {
movies {
Connect to Genre
mutation {
where: { title: "The Matrix" }
connect: {
genres: { where: { OR: [{ name: "Sci-fi" }, { name: "Action" }] } }
) {
movies {
Create Movie and connect Genre
mutation {
input: [
title: "The Matrix"
year: 1999
imdbRating: 8.7
genres: {
connect: { where: [{ name: "Sci-fi" }, { name: "Action" }] }
) {
movies {
Find Movies with Genres
query {
movies {
genres {
Complex Auth
Define complex, nested & related, authorization rules such as; “grant update access to all moderators of a post”;
type User {
id: ID!
username: String!
type Post
rules: [
allow: [{ moderator: { id: "sub" } }]
operations: ["update"]
) {
id: ID!
title: String!
moderator: User @relationship(type: "MODERATES_POST", direction: "IN")