NDK is a development kit that seeks to make the experience of building Nostr-related applications, whether
they are relays, clients, or anything in between, better, more reliable and overall nicer to work with than
existing solutions.
Behind the scenes, NDK seeks to do work to increase the decentralizing tendencies of nostr tooling, so there
is a lot of emphasis in it's goal designs to bridge the gap of user, notes, tags, relays discoverability without
depending on any one central point of coordination (such as large relays)
npm add @nostr-dev-kit/ndk
NDK NIP-28 group chat
NDK uses signers optionally passed in to sign events. Note that it is possible to use NDK without signing events
(e.g. to get someone's profile).
Signer adapters can be passed in when NDK is instantiated or later during runtime.
Using a NIP-07 browser extension (e.g. getalby, nos2x)
const nip07signer = new NDKNip07Signer();
const ndk = new NDK({ signer: nip07signer });
Now NDK can sign events using your users' NIP-07 extension.
const ndkEvent = new NDKEvent(ndk);
ndkEvent.kind = 1;
ndkEvent.content = 'Hello, world!';
NDK provides out-of-the-box database-agnostic caching functionality to improve the
performance of applications.
Cached items
The most important data to cache is where a user or note might be found. UX suffers profoundly when this type of data cannot be found. The nostr protocol leaves beadcrums of where a user or note might be.
const redisAdapter = new RedisAdapter(redisUrl)
const ndk = new NDK({ cacheAdapter: redisAdapter })
Buffered queries
Clients often need to load data (e.g. profile data) from individual components at
once (e.g. initial page render). This typically causes multiple subscriptions to
be submitted fetching the same information and causing poor performance or getting
rate-limited/maxed out by relays.
NDK implements a convenient subscription model, buffered queries, where a named
subscription will be created after a customizable amount of time, so that multiple
components can append queries.
ndk.bufferedSubscription({ kinds: [0], authors: ['pubkey-1'] }, "profiles", 500);
ndk.bufferedSubscription({ kinds: [0], authors: ['pubkey-2'] }, "profiles", 500);
Intelligent relay selection
When a client submits a request through NDK, NDK will calculate which relays are
most likely able to satisfy this request.
Queries submitted by the client might be broken into different queries if NDK
computes different relays.
For example, say npub-A follows npub-B and npub-C. If the NDK client uses
const ndk = new NDK({ explicitRelays: ['wss://nos.lol'] })
const npubA = ndk.getUser('npub-A');
const feedEvents = await npubA.feed();
This would result in the following request:
{ "kinds": [1], "authors": [ "npub-B", "npub-C" ] }
But if NDK has observed that npub-B
tends to write to wss://userb.xyz
tends to write to wss://userc.io
, NDK will send the following queries.
{ "kinds": [1], "authors": [ "npub-B", "npub-C" ] }
{ "kinds": [1], "authors": [ "npub-B" ] }
{ "kinds": [1], "authors": [ "npub-C" ] }
Auto-closing subscriptions
Often clients want to fetch data but they don't necessarily need to occupy a connection
to the relay.
The autoclose
flag will make the connection close immediately after EOSE is seen.
An integer autoclose
will close the connection after that amount of ms after EOSE is seen.
ndk.subscription({kinds:[0], authors:['...']}, { autoclose: true })
Convenience classes
const ndk = new NDK({ explicitRelays, privateKey });
const pablo = ndk.getProfile('npub1l2vyh47mk2p0qlsku7hg0vn29faehy9hy34ygaclpn66ukqp3afqutajft')
Convenience classes provide access to construct events
const pablo = await ndk.getProfile('npub1l2vyh47mk2p0qlsku7hg0vn29faehy9hy34ygaclpn66ukqp3afqutajft')
pablo.name = 'Pablo';
await pablo.publish();
Creating events
const ndk = new NDK({ explicitRelays, signer })
const event = new NDKEvent()
event.kind = 1;
event.content = "This is cool, I'm going to autotag @jack@cashapp.com"
await ndk.publish(event)
Liking someone's event
const event = await ndk.events({ author: 'jack@cashapp.com' })[0]
await event.react('🤙')
- Provides access to see status
Signing Events via NIP-46
const signingAdapter = new NDK.RemoteSignerAdapter()
const ndk = new NDK({ signingAdapter })
const event = ndk.event()
event.kind = 0;
event.content = "This event is signed via NIP-46."
await event.publish()
const zap =
Users of NDK should instantiate a single NDK instance.
That instance tracks state with all relays connected, explicit and otherwise.
All relays are tracked in a single pool that handles connection errors/reconnection logic.
RelaySets are assembled ad-hoc as needed depending on the queries set, although some RelaySets might be long-lasting, like the explicitRelays
specified by the user.
RelaySets are always a subset of the pool of all available relays.