What is @octokit/graphql?
The @octokit/graphql npm package is designed to simplify making GraphQL queries to the GitHub API. It provides a straightforward way to execute queries and mutations, handle authentication, and manage GraphQL variables. This package is part of the Octokit suite, which is officially maintained by GitHub, ensuring high compatibility and reliability for developers interacting with GitHub's data.
What are @octokit/graphql's main functionalities?
Executing a GraphQL query
This feature allows you to execute a basic GraphQL query to fetch the login name of the authenticated GitHub user. You need to replace 'YOUR_GITHUB_TOKEN' with your actual GitHub token.
"query": "query { viewer { login }}",
"headers": {
"authorization": "token YOUR_GITHUB_TOKEN"
Executing a GraphQL mutation
This feature demonstrates how to execute a mutation to create a new issue in a repository. You need to replace 'REPOSITORY_ID' and 'YOUR_GITHUB_TOKEN' with your repository's ID and your GitHub token, respectively.
"mutation": "mutation ($repositoryId: ID!, $issueTitle: String!) { createIssue(input: {repositoryId: $repositoryId, title: $issueTitle}) { issue { id } } }",
"variables": {
"repositoryId": "REPOSITORY_ID",
"issueTitle": "New Issue Title"
"headers": {
"authorization": "token YOUR_GITHUB_TOKEN"
Other packages similar to @octokit/graphql
graphql-request is a minimal GraphQL client for making queries and mutations. It's simpler and has fewer features compared to @octokit/graphql, lacking built-in GitHub authentication mechanisms, but it's versatile for any GraphQL API, not just GitHub's.
Apollo Client is a comprehensive state management library for JavaScript that enables you to manage both local and remote data with GraphQL. It's more feature-rich than @octokit/graphql, offering advanced features like caching and optimistic UI updates, making it suitable for complex applications.