SAM zip-city
This library aims to do city lookups in a fast (client-side), generic way.
The script will dynamically load the appropriate file with zipcodes and city names for a given country.
This allows for smaller bundle size and means that the file(s) are only downloaded when needed.
But all the zipcode files are inside the repo?
The zip-code are fetched from
How to install
npm install @omnicar/sam-zip-city
or yarn add @omnicar/sam-zip-city
How to use
import { getCityFromZip } from '@omnicar/sam-zip-city'
const myFunc = async () => {
const city = await getCityFromZip({
zipcode: 2300,
country: 'DK'
Or to initialise a country before requesting a city:
import { initZipCityCountry } from '@omnicar/sam-zip-city'
const myOtherFunc = async () => {
await initZipCityCountry({ country: 'DK' })
console.log('Danish zipcodes and cities should be ready!')