SAM zip-city
This library aims to do city lookups in a fast (client-side), generic way.
The script will dynamically load the appropriate file with zipcodes and city names for a given country.
This allows for smaller bundle size and means that the file(s) are only downloaded when needed.
How to install
npm install @omnicar/sam-zip-city
or yarn add @omnicar/sam-zip-city
But are all the zip code files inside the imported package?
Answer: No, only the file(s) with the postal codes (zip codes) of the requested country are retrieved dynamically at run time.
From where are the file(s) with the postal codes (zip codes) fetched from?
Answer: The postal codes are fetched from admin dot
omnicar dot
io slash
data slash
zip-codes slash
How to use
import { getCityFromZip } from '@omnicar/sam-zip-city'
const myFunc = async () => {
const city = await getCityFromZip({
zipcode: 2300,
country: 'DK'
Or to initialise a country before requesting a city:
import { initZipCityCountry } from '@omnicar/sam-zip-city'
const myOtherFunc = async () => {
await initZipCityCountry({ country: 'DK' })
console.log('Danish zipcodes and cities should be ready!')