Ory Elements Test
Ory Elements provides a testing library built on top of
Playwright. It allows you to test your application
integration with Ory automatically.
A lot of tests for common use-cases have been implemented in the library so that
you can focus on only writing tests for your specific edge-cases.
You can install Playwright and the Ory Elements Test
library using npm.
only supports playwright 1.32.0 or higher. If you are using
an older version of playwright, please update it.
npm i @ory/elements-test @playwright/test --save-dev
To set up the playwright configuration, run the following command:
npm init playwright@latest
Playwright should have created a playwright.config.ts
file in your project.
Here, we will add your application web server configurations, environment setup
and specify which directory contains your tests. In this example, all tests will
be located in the e2e
directory under the root of your project.
Environment variables can be setup through a bash script or any other method you
prefer. In this example, we will add the APPLICATION_URL
environment variables inside the global-setup.ts
file which should be created
by you in the root of your project.
const globlSetup = async () => {
process.env.APPLICATION_URL = "http://localhost:3000"
process.env.ORY_PROJECT_URL = "http://localhost:4000"
export default globlSetup
Below is an example of running Next.js on port 3000.
webServer: [
env: {
NEXT_PUBLIC_ORY_SDK_URL: "http://localhost:4000",
command: "npm run dev -- --port 3000",
timeout: 120 * 1000,
port: 3100,
reuseExistingServer: !process.env.CI,
To test against an Ory Network project, add the Ory Tunnel to your
webServer: [
env: {
APPLICATION_URL: "http://localhost:3000",
ORY_PROJECT_URL: "http://localhost:4000",
command: "ory tunnel ${APPLICATION_URL} ${ORY_PROJECT_URL} -q",
port: 4000,
Writing Tests
import { LoginMocks, LoginPage, test } from "@ory/elements-test"
test.describe.parallel("Login Page", () => {
test("login success", async ({ environment, page }) => {
const { applicationUrl, oryProjectUrl } = environment
const loginPage = new LoginPage(page, applicationUrl, oryProjectUrl)
await LoginMocks.LoginSuccessTest(loginPage)