React Native Store Rating
React Native Module to getting users to easily rate your app.
Ratings and reviews influence how your app ranks in search results, and can affect whether someone downloads your app. Users can rate your app on a scale of desired amount of stars. They can also add a written review for iOS and Android apps.
Stores Supported:
Apple App Store | Google Play | |
✓ | ✓ | |
| | |
| | |
Getting started
$ npm install react-native-store-rating --save
$ yarn add react-native-store-rating
Users are presented with a modal allowing them to choose amount of stars which is defined with count
The star rate taken from the users is compared to the value defined in "commentOpenRating". If this value is greater than the value of "commentOpenRating", the user is directed to the App store or Google Play Store. If it is equal and smaller, comment popup will be opened and users will be allowed to type comment.
Example: Let's say we defined 3 as a value to commentOpenRating
User redirect to App Store or Google Play Store when the given star rate is greater then 3.
Comment modal will be opened if the given star rate equal or less then 3.
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import RateModal from 'react-native-rating-modal';
export default class example extends Component {
render() {
return (
placeHolderText={'Placeholder text'}
nonComment={'Non comment text'}
backgroundColor: '#000',
paddingHorizontal: 30,
ratingOnChange={(e: number) => {
console.log('change rating', e);
onClosed={() => {
console.log('pressed cancel button...')
sendContactUsForm={(state: object) => {
// state = {
// isModalOpen: true,
// rating: 3,
// review: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...",
// reviewError:false,
// showContactForm:true
// }
Properties | Type | Description | Default |
sendContactUsForm *required | Function | Read component state and function fired when send bottom click | { isModalOpen: true, rating: 3, review: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...", reviewError:false, showContactForm:true } |
androidUrl *required | string | Google Play Store App Url market://details?id=${APP_PACKAGE_NAME} | |
iosUrl *required | string | Apple ITunes App Url itms-apps://${APP_ID} | |
rateBtnText | string | The button text. | "Rate" |
cancelBtnText | string | The cancel button text. | "Cancel" |
count | number | The starts count on modal. | 5 |
defaulRating | number | If no number set, it will determine 3 stars rating. | 5 |
showRating | boolean | Shows rating on modal. | true |
sendBtnText | string | The text of send button. | "Send" |
placeHolderText | string | User review modal placeholder text. | "You can write your comments here" |
transparent | boolean | Background style | true |
reviews | array | The array of rating title. | ['Terrible', 'Bad', 'Okay', 'Good', 'Great'] |
nonComment | string | User review comment box validation text | "Please specify your opinion." |
isModalOpen | boolean | Control if the modal open or not. | false |
commentOpenRating | number | ? | 3 |
style | Object | An object containing the styles objects to style the modal. | example:
{ backgroundColor: #000, paddingHorizontal: 30 } |
ratingOnChange | Function | Function fired when the rating has changed. | return: number |
onClosed | Function | Function fired when the modal has closed. | console.warn('pressed cancel button...') |
As of version 1.0.0 this package is compatible with both iOS and Android.