Meteor Galaxy Auto Scaling
NodeJS command line tool to monitor and auto-scale Meteor Galaxy
"appName": "your app host",
"username": "your Galaxy username",
"password": "your Galaxy password",
"slackWebhook": "your Slack webhook URL",
"silentSlack": false,
"persistentStorage": "full path to where we want to storage scrapped info",
"infoRules": {
"send": false
"alertRules": {
"maxInContainers": {
"cpu": 1,
"memory": 10,
"clients": 5
"autoscaleRules": {
"containersToScale": 2,
"minContainers": 2,
"maxContainers": 10,
"addWhen": {
"responseTimeAbove": 300,
"cpuAbove": 50
"reduceWhen": {
"responseTimeBelow": 150,
"cpuBelow": 25
"killWhen": {
"responseTimeAbove": 300,
"cpuAbove": 50,
"sessionsAbove": 40
"minimumStats": 5,
"puppeteer": {
"headless": false
Auto scale rules
The autoscaling behavior is meant to adjust smartly the containers on the Galaxy server taking into account the data got from there and a predefined configuration. This behavior is part of the process that reports the alerts of the galaxy state, so it is run each X minutes.
You are able to tweak the configuration for each app by setting the conditions to run the add containers (addWhen
), reduce containers (reduceWhen
) or kill containers (killWhen
) behaviors.
The conditions available are: "[responseTime|cpu|sessions][Above|Below]". You can check the examples on this PR.
The conditions express the property average on the active containers. The active containers are those that are running, not being starting or stoping.
The conditions are solved by an AND
. Any condition absence means to not consider it for the checking. So, if we only provide to addWhen
behavior the responseTimeAbove: 300
condition, such behavior will only run every time the response time are above 300ms.
The addWhen
and reduceWhen
behaviors check to not go beyond a containers count range. This range is described by the minContainers
and maxContainers
The addWhen
and reduceWhen
behaviors won't run if a scaling is happening. If any other condition passes it will run on the next run.
The killWhen
behavior tries to kill the container with high CPU consumption and that matches the conditions configured.
An slack alert is sent anytime a scaling behavior is triggered.
Fixing Puppeteer on Ubuntu 16.04
sudo apt-get install libx11-xcb1 libxcomposite1 libxi6 libxext6 libxtst6 libnss3 libcups2 libxss1 libxrandr2 libasound2 libpangocairo-1.0-0 libatk1.0-0 libatk-bridge2.0-0 libgtk-3-0