A tool that helps optimizing overall test runtime for big test suites that can be distributed across multiple containers / VMs running in parallel.
This project includes:
- a command-line tool that divides a list of spec files into a even groups (files from each group should then be executed in a separate contrainer / VM on CI environment).
- a mocha test reporter that is used to record spec runtimes.
Test runtime reporter
Mocha test runner
As a first step, add @peakon/mocha-split-tests/reporter/mocha
reporter to your mocha tests setup.
As mocha v7 still doesn't support multiple reporters out of the box. So in order to enable @peakon/mocha-split-tests/reporter/mocha
reporter, you have to use a 3rd-party package like mocha-multi. Here is an example config:
dot: '-',
xunit: {
stdout: '/dev/null',
options: {
output: 'junit/junit.xml'
'@peakon/mocha-split-tests/reporter/mocha': 'runtime.log'
will be generated in project root directory after your run your tests like this:
multi=mocha-multi-reporters.json ./node_modules/.bin/mocha`
WebdriverIO test runner
Add a runtime reporter to wdio.conf.js
reporters: [
outputDir: `${yourLogDir}/runtimes`
As WebdriverIO default reporter bahaviour is to generate 1 log file per each capability, spec file pair, you'll end up having a bunch of log files inside outputDir
. For convenience, you can merge them yourself into 1 file (e.g. cat $LOG_DIR/*.log > runtime.log
) or keep them as is.
CLI tool
CLI tool is used on CI environment to generate a list of specs that should be executed by a particular test container / VM.
Usage: mocha-split-tests [options]
-V, --version output the version number
-t, --total-groups <int> Total number of test runner machines / containers
-g, --group-number <int> Number of group to get tests for (starts from 0)
-r, --runtime-log <pattern> Location of previously recorded test runtimes ( file or pattern for multiple log files)
-f, --file-pattern <pattern> e.g. "test/**/*.spec.js"
-s, --result-separator <symbol> Separator for resulting output (default: " ")
-h, --help output usage information
Here is an example how to launch test on CircleCI:
export SPEC_FILES=$(npx mocha-split-tests -t $CIRCLE_NODE_TOTAL -g $CIRCLE_NODE_INDEX -r ./runtime.log -f 'test/**/*.spec.js')
./node_modules/.bin/mocha $SPEC_FILES