Execute some text in memory as if it was a file with a given name, so that all
of the imports/require's happen out of that directory's associated
node_modules directory or relative to where the file would have been.
This is NOT intended to be a security boundary. In particular, all files
will be required or imported through the node module cache.
This code was originally a part of peggy, but was
refactored out when it was needed in a related project. Several ideas in this
code came from the
module-from-string and
eval modules -- thanks to those authors.
npm install @peggyjs/from-mem
import fromMem from "@peggyjs/from-mem";
const mod = await fromMem(`
import foo from "../foo.js" // Loads ./test/foo.js
export function bar() {
return foo() + 2;
`, {
filename: path.join(__dirname, "test", "fixtures", "test.js"),
format: "es",
"filename" is the only required option.
fromMem(code: string, options: FromMemOptions): Promise<unknown>
export type FromMemOptions = {
format?: "bare" | "commonjs" | "es" | "globals" | "guess";
filename: string;
context?: object;
includeGlobals?: boolean;
globalExport?: string;
lineOffset?: number | undefined;
columnOffset?: number | undefined;
- This module has a strong requirement for node 20.8+ at runtime when using
the es6 format, due to a bug that crashes node in node's vm module that got
fixed there and in 21.0. There is a runtime check to prevent the crash.
- This module requires being run with the
for node for the moment. Hopefully, we will track changes to the API as
they happen.