PrimeVue AutoImportResolver
4.0.0-rc.3 (2024-06-27)
Full Changelog
Fixed bugs:
- MultiSelect: missing loadingIcon passthrough option in documentation #5964
- [Core]: PrimeVue 4 is causing a memory leak #5957
- InputMask: FloatLabel defects #5956
- Checkbox: Icon slot does not provide information about the indeterminate state #5942
- Tooltip: the arrow can not show in bottom position. #5916
- BlockUI bug SSR: when I reload the page I get the following error #5912
- InputMask: v4 no classes are passed to target inpud component #5908
- DatePicker: not highlight range of month in monthMode #5886
- DatePicker: not highlight range of year in yearMode #5833
- CSS not Server Side Rendered with PrimeVue 4 / Nuxt 3 #5945
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Improve utils methods in all packages #5968
- Add autoImport option to @primevue/nuxt-module #5935