PrimeVue AutoImportResolver
4.0.1 (2024-07-22)
Full Changelog
Fixed bugs:
- SELECT: hide clear button when options is empty in Dropdown #6084
- Lara theme type #6065
- Paginator: v4 page buttons still have PrimeVue classes in unstyled mode #6064
- TabList: ripple warn when Ripple is not been registered. #6057
- Stepper: Nested Components are re-mounted #6052
- Tree: filter pt implementation defect #6043
- DataTable: Frozen Columns, the headers of fixed columns will overlap. #6036
- IconField: Does not support multiple icons#6034
- InputMask: Passed props are not set #6025
- BaseComponent: Missing import 'isFunction' #6024
- Failed to use Primevue 4 with yarn #6020
- TABS: Globally enabling Ripple breaks Scrollable Tabs #6017
- Accordion: Theming content background not working #5997
- AutoComplete: Combining multiple + dropdown does not work #5881