PrimeVue AutoImportResolver
4.2.5 (2024-12-12)
Full Changelog
Fixed bugs:
- TreeTable: Row selected on click at node toggle icon #6932
- DatePicker: Date unformatted with initial date #6930
- MultiSelect: Fluid doesn't applying 100% width #6916
- Tabs: Scrollable tabs being skipped #6915
- ImageCompare: ARIA Attributes #6912
- DataTable: RowExpansion & RowSelection #6904
- FileUpload: fileLimit dosent prevent new items beeing pushed into Files[], when exceeded #6900
- Galleria: 'Indicator' Slot, Keyboard Accessibility Broken #6899
- Select: fluid doesnt apply properly #6896
- ScrollTop: icon pt implementation defect #6892
- Slider: While dragging the handle sometimes it breaks #6884
- SplitButton: Toast usages in examples for composition API are not correct #6879
- InputMask components fires @update:modelValue although value not changed #6868
- Carousel: Item disappear when there is only one item with autoplay and circular activated #6812
- DatePicker: manual input not working #6739
- SelectButton: allowEmpty does not stop unselecting #6718
- Form: type of v-slot="$form" is incorrect #6717