@prismicio/vue V₂
Vue.js plugin to facilitate integration of content managed with Prismic.io.
Looking for a Nuxt solution? Here you go 👉 @nuxtjs/prismic plugin
⚠️ We've moved prismic-vue
to @prismicio/vue
. You can safely replace the former with the latter to your node modules ✌️
relies on prismic-javascript
and prismic-dom
If you are migrating from V1, make sure to install them too as they are now peer dependencies.
npm install @prismicio/vue prismic-javascript prismic-dom
👉 quick note: prismic-javascript is a library responsible for making requests to your Prismic endpoint,
while prismic-dom is responsible for serializing html from RichText (RichText you said?).
What it does
This package serves two purposes and can actually be split into two different parts.
1- Queries
The first purpose of @prismicio/vue
is to offer an easy way to fetch your Prismic content. When registering PrismicVue
, we directly inject a prismic-javascript
instance, to be used anywhere in your Vue project.
import prismicJS from 'prismic-js';
const PrismicVue = {
install: function (Vue, options) {
Vue.prototype.$prismic = prismicJS
Vue.prototype.$prismic.endpoint = options.endpoint
Vue.prototype.$prismic.linkResolver = options.linkResolver
Vue.prototype.$prismic.client = prismicJS.client(options.endpoint, options.apiOptions)
2 - Components
The second purpose of @prismicio/vue
is to globally register components that will help you display content queried via your Prismic API. Their purpose is (mostly) to serialize Prismic data into html. These components being used in other libraries (like @nuxtjs/prissmic
), note that you can actually import them without registering PrismicVue
This getting started guide should be of great help to kickstart your first Prismic/Vue project.
In case you're more into markdown, you can alternatevely keep reading ☺️
1/Register PrismicVue
First, you should register the plugin:
import PrismicVue from '@prismicio/vue'
Vue.use(PrismicVue, {
endpoint: 'https://your-api-endpoint.prismic.io/api/v2',
linkResolver: function(doc) {
if (doc.type === 'home') {
return '/';
When registering the plugin, you may pass these options. Although linkResolver
and htmlSerializer
are not required, they are usually pretty useful. Make sure to check them out! ✌️
Option name | Type | Required | Default value | Description |
endpoint | string | yes | none | Your Prismic api endpoint |
linkResolver | function | no | none | See Link Resolving in Javascript |
htmlSerializer | function | no | none | See html Serializer documentation |
linkType | string | no | vueRouter | Link components may be handled differently based on what you use. Currently accepted values: 'vueRouter' and 'nuxt'. |
2/Query your content
Because we inject a prismic-javascript
instance into Vue, each of its method are accessible from your components. Make sure to check its documentation!
A bare bone example that fetches data from a home
document and then sets a fields
data object:
export default {
name: 'MyComponent',
data() {
return {
fields: {
title: null,
logo: null,
somethingRich: null
methods: {
getContent () {
.then((document) => {
this.fields = document.data
created () {
3/use components
Following the example above, let's write the associated template:
<prismic-image :field="fields.logo" />
<prismic-rich-text :field="fields.title" />
<prismic-rich-text :field="fields.somethingRich" />
👆 If you were to log document.data
in our previous query, you would notice that title
and somethingRich
are actually arrays instead of strings. This is because Prismic provides content writers with a WYSIWYG editor. It's awesome for formatting text but harder to deal with on client side. Fortunately, prismic-rich-text
is a component made to deal with this format.
Obviously, prismic-image
works the same way on image fields, stored in your Prismic API.
List of components
List of available components and use cases:
Component | Prismic type | Use case | Example use |
prismic-rich-text | Rich Text, Title | Used when you need formatting fir text (bold, italic, embeds...) | <prismic-rich-text :field="field.description" wrapper="div" :htmlSerializer="myLocalSerializer"/> |
prismic-link | Link | Used to resolve links stored in your Prismic content. | <prismic-link :field="menuLink.link">My link</prismic-link> |
prismic-image | Image | Used to display images stored in Prismic. | <prismic-image :field="fields.logo" /> |
prismic-embed | Embed | Used to display embeds stored in Prismic. | <prismic-embed :field="fields.embed" wrapper="div" /> |
👆 Make sure to have a look at their source code: it is quite short, does simple things and might help you understand how we convert a Prismic API response into something that can actually be committed to the DOM.
Integrate @prismicio/vue components
If you are working on a @prismicio/vue
integration (like Nuxt does for example), you might find the need to use the components, without using the actual PrismicVue
plugin. We've got you covered:
import { common, vueRouter, nuxt } from '@prismicio/vue/components';
Vue.prototype.$prismic = {
linkResolver() { }
Object.entries(common).forEach(([_, component]) => {
Vue.component(component.name, component)
Thanks for reading 👋
This software is licensed under the Apache 2 license, quoted below.
Copyright 2013-2020 Prismic (http://prismic.io).
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this project except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.