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QualWeb evaluator command line interface

  • 0.0.0-develop-20250123105824
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QualWeb CLI

QualWeb command line interface. It allows you to perform accessibility evaluations from the terminal. It uses the @qualweb/core that contains 3 evaluation modules:

You can also perform evaluations at, or by installing the chrome extension.

How to install

  $ npm i -g @qualweb/cli

How to run

Url input

Simple evaluation
  $ qw -u
Evaluation with EARL report
  $ qw -u -r earl

File input

If you want to evaluate multiple url's at once, you can input a file with each url separated by a newline \n.

  $ qw -f urls.txt
Evaluation with EARL report

This method will create an EARL report for each url.

  $ qw -f urls.txt -r earl

This method will create an aggregated EARL report from all urls.

  $ qw -f urls.txt -r earl-a # add `-s <save-name>` to rename the report file


Usage options

-u--url<url>Url to evaluate
-f--file<path-to-file>File with urls to evaluate
-c--crawl<domain>Domain to crawl
-m--moduleact wcag bpChoose which modules to execute
-r--report-type"earl" or "earl-a"Convert the evaluation to earl or earl-a (earl-aggregated)
-s--save-name<name>The name to save the aggregated earl reports (earl-a)
-t--timeout<number>Timeout for page to load
-w--waitUntilload doncontentloaded networkidle0 networkidle2Events to wait before starting evaluation
-p--maxParallelEvaluations<number>Evaluates multiples urls ate the same time (experimental)
-j--json<file>Loads a json file with the configs to execute. Check an example below
-h--helpPrint the help menu

-j, --json config file example

This command replaces all other commands.

  "url": "",
  "file": "test_url.txt",
  "crawl": "",
  "viewport": {
    "mobile": false,
    "orientation": "landscape",
    "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.8; rv:22.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/22.0', default value for mobile = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.2; en-us; DROID2 GLOBAL Build/S273) AppleWebKit/533.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/533.1",
    "width": 1920,
    "height": 1080
  "maxParallelEvaluations": "5",
  "modules": {
    "act": true,
    "wcag": true,
    "bp": true,
    "counter": false,
  "act-rules": {
    "rules": ["QW-ACT-R1"],
    "exclude": ["QW-ACT-R2"],
    "levels": ["A", "AA", "AAA"],
    "principles": ["Perceivable", "Operable", "Understandable", "Robust"]
  "wcag-techniques": {
    "rules": ["QW-WCAG-T1"],
    "exclude": ["QW-WCAG-T2"],
    "levels": ["A", "AA", "AAA"],
    "principles": ["Perceivable", "Operable", "Understandable", "Robust"]
  "best-practices": {
    "bestPractices": ["QW-BP1"],
    "exclude": ["QW-BP2"]

Viewport Options

-v--viewportUse custom viewport
--mobileUse a mobile context (default: desktop)
--orientation"portrait" or "landscape"Set window orientation (default desktop: landscape, default mobile: portrait)
--user-agent<custom-user-agent>Set custom user agent
--width<number in px>Set custom viewport width (default desktop: 1366, default mobile: 1080)
--height<number in px>Set custom viewport height (default desktop: 768, default mobile: 1920)

Modules options

--act-rules"ruleId1 ruleId2 ... ruleIdx" or <config file>Choose which act rules to execute. For config file check below
--exclude-act"ruleId1 ruleId2 ... ruleIdx" or <config file>Choose which act rules to exclude. For config file check below
--act-levelsA AA AAAChoose which conform levels to evaluate regarding the act rules
--act-principlesPerceivable Operable Understandable RobustChoose which principles to evaluate regarding the act rules
--wcag-techniques"techniqueId1 techniqueId2 ... techniqueIdx" or <config file>Choose which wcag techniques to execute. For config file check below
--exclude-wcag"techniqueId1 techniqueId2 ... techniqueIdx" or <config file>Choose which wcag techniques to exclude. For config file check below
--wcag-levelsA AA AAAChoose which conform levels to evaluate regarding the wcag techniques
--wcag-principlesPerceivable Operable Understandable RobustChoose which principles to evaluate regarding the wcag techniques
--best-practicesbestpracticeId1 bestpracticeId2 ... bestpracticeIdxChoose which best practices to execute. For config file check below
--exclude-bpbestpracticeId1 bestpracticeId2 ... bestpracticeIdxChoose which best practices to exclude. For config file check below

Note: The module options above are only used if the correspondent module was set to be executed (command -m).

--act-rules config file example

This config file can replace commands --act-rules, --act-levels and --act-principles.

  "act-rules": {
    "rules": ["QW-ACT-R1"],
    "exclude": ["QW-ACT-R2"],
    "levels": ["A", "AA", "AAA"],
    "principles": ["Perceivable", "Operable", "Understandable", "Robust"]
--wcag-techniques config file example

This config file can replace commands --wcag-techniques, --wcag-levels and --wcag-principles.

  "wcag-techniques": {
    "techniques": ["QW-WCAG-T1"],
    "exclude": ["QW-WCAG-T2"],
    "levels": ["A", "AA", "AAA"],
    "principles": ["Perceivable", "Operable", "Understandable", "Robust"]
--best-practices config file example
  "best-practices": {
    "bestPractices": ["QW-BP1"],
    "exclude": ["QW-BP2"]

Implemented ACT Rules

QualWeb Rule IDACT Rule IDACT Rule Name
QW-ACT-R12779a5HTML Page has a title
QW-ACT-R2b5c3f8HTML has lang attribute
QW-ACT-R35b7ae0HTML lang and xml:lang match
QW-ACT-R4bc659aMeta-refresh no delay
QW-ACT-R5bf051aValidity of HTML Lang attribute
QW-ACT-R659796fImage button has accessible name
QW-ACT-R7b33effOrientation of the page is not restricted using CSS transform property
QW-ACT-R9b20e66Links with identical accessible names have equivalent purpose
QW-ACT-R104b1c6ciframe elements with identical accessible names have equivalent purpose
QW-ACT-R1197a4e1Button has accessible name
QW-ACT-R12c487aeLink has accessible name
QW-ACT-R136cfa84Element with aria-hidden has no focusable content
QW-ACT-R14b4f0c3meta viewport does not prevent zoom
QW-ACT-R1580f0bfaudio or video has no audio that plays automatically
QW-ACT-R16e086e5Form control has accessible name
QW-ACT-R1723a2a8Image has accessible name
QW-ACT-R183ea0c8id attribute value is unique
QW-ACT-R19cae760iframe element has accessible name
QW-ACT-R20674b10role attribute has valid value
QW-ACT-R217d6734svg element with explicit role has accessible name
QW-ACT-R22de46e4Element within body has valid lang attribute
QW-ACT-R23c5a4eavideo element visual content has accessible alternative
QW-ACT-R2473f2c2autocomplete attribute has valid value
QW-ACT-R255c01eaARIA state or property is permitted
QW-ACT-R26eac66bvideo element auditory content has accessible alternative
QW-ACT-R275f99a7This rule checks that each aria- attribute specified is defined in ARIA 1.1.
QW-ACT-R284e8ab6Element with role attribute has required states and properties
QW-ACT-R29e7aa44Audio element content has text alternative
QW-ACT-R302ee8b8Visible label is part of accessible name
QW-ACT-R31c3232fVideo element visual-only content has accessible alternative
QW-ACT-R321ec09bvideo element visual content has strict accessible alternative
QW-ACT-R33ff89c9ARIA required context role
QW-ACT-R346a7281ARIA state or property has valid value
QW-ACT-R35ffd0e9Heading has accessible name
QW-ACT-R36a25f45Headers attribute specified on a cell refers to cells in the same table element
QW-ACT-R37afw4f7Text has minimum contrast
QW-ACT-R38bc4a75ARIA required owned elements
QW-ACT-R39d0f69eAll table header cells have assigned data cells
QW-ACT-R4059br37Zoomed text node is not clipped with CSS overflow
QW-ACT-R4136b590Error message describes invalid form field value
QW-ACT-R428fc3b6Object element has non-empty accessible name
QW-ACT-R430ssw9kScrollable element is keyboard accessible
QW-ACT-R44fd3a94Links with identical accessible names and context serve equivalent purpose
QW-ACT-R4846ca7fElement marked as decorative is not exposed
QW-ACT-R49aaa1bfAudio or video that plays automatically has no audio that lasts more than 3 seconds
QW-ACT-R504c31dfAudio or video that plays automatically has a control mechanism
QW-ACT-R51fd26cfvideo element visual-only content is media alternative for text
QW-ACT-R52ac7dc6video element visual-only content has description track
QW-ACT-R53ee13b5video element visual-only content has transcript
QW-ACT-R54d7ba54video element visual-only content has audio track alternative
QW-ACT-R551ea59cvideo element visual content has audio description
QW-ACT-R56ab4d13video element content is media alternative for text
QW-ACT-R57f196cevideo element visual content has description track
QW-ACT-R582eb176audio element content has transcript
QW-ACT-R59afb423audio element content is media alternative for text
QW-ACT-R60f51b46video element auditory content has captions
QW-ACT-R611a02b0video element visual content has transcript
QW-ACT-R62oj04fdElement in sequential focus order has visible focus
QW-ACT-R63b40fd1Document has a landmark with non-repeated content
QW-ACT-R64047fe0Document has heading for non-repeated content
QW-ACT-R65307n5zElement with presentational children has no focusable content
QW-ACT-R66m6b1q3Menuitem has non-empty accessible name
QW-ACT-R6724afc2Letter spacing in style attributes is not !important
QW-ACT-R6878fd32Line height in style attributes is not !important
QW-ACT-R699e45ecWord spacing in style attributes is not !important
QW-ACT-R70akn7bnframe with negative tabindex has no interactive elements
QW-ACT-R71bisz58meta element has no refresh delay (no exception)
QW-ACT-R728a213cFirst focusable element is link to non-repeated content
QW-ACT-R733e12e1Block of repeated content is collapsible
QW-ACT-R74ye5d6eDocument has an instrument to move focus to non-repeated content
QW-ACT-R75cf77f2Bypass Blocks of Repeated Content
QW-ACT-R7609o5cgText has enhanced contrast
QW-ACT-R77in6db8ARIA required ID references exist

Implemented WCAG 2.1 Techniques

QualWeb Technique IDWCAG Technique IDWCAG Technique Name
QW-WCAG-T1H24Providing text alternatives for the area elements of image maps
QW-WCAG-T2H39Using caption elements to associate data table captions with data tables
QW-WCAG-T3H71Providing a description for groups of form controls using fieldset and legend elements
QW-WCAG-T4H73Using the summary attribute of the table element to give an overview of data tables
QW-WCAG-T5H36Using alt attributes on images used as submit buttons
QW-WCAG-T6SCR20Using both keyboard and other device-specific functions
QW-WCAG-T7H28Providing definitions for abbreviations by using the abbr element
QW-WCAG-T8F30Failure of Success Criterion 1.1.1 and 1.2.1 due to using text alternatives that are not alternatives
QW-WCAG-T9G141Organizing a page using headings
QW-WCAG-T10H2Combining adjacent image and text links for the same resource
QW-WCAG-T11H35Providing text alternatives on applet elements
QW-WCAG-T12F46Failure of Success Criterion 1.3.1 due to using th elements, caption elements, or non-empty summary attributes in layout tables
QW-WCAG-T13F47Failure of Success Criterion 2.2.2 due to using the blink element
QW-WCAG-T14H43Using id and headers attributes to associate data cells with header cells in data tables
QW-WCAG-T15H59Using the link element and navigation tools
QW-WCAG-T16H88Using HTML according to spec
QW-WCAG-T17G162Positioning labels to maximize predictability of relationships
QW-WCAG-T18H51Using table markup to present tabular information
QW-WCAG-T19H32Providing submit buttons
QW-WCAG-T20H33Supplementing link text with the title attribute
QW-WCAG-T21F89Failure of Success Criteria 2.4.4, 2.4.9 and 4.1.2 due to not providing an accessible name for an image which is the only content in a link
QW-WCAG-T22F52Failure of Success Criterion 3.2.1 and 3.2.5 due to opening a new window as soon as a new page is loaded
QW-WCAG-T23G1Adding a link at the top of each page that goes directly to the main content area
QW-WCAG-T24F55Failure of Success Criteria 2.1.1, 2.4.7, and 3.2.1 due to using script to remove focus when focus is received
QW-WCAG-T25H63Using the scope attribute to associate header cells and data cells in data tables
QW-WCAG-T26F59Failure of Success Criterion 4.1.2 due to using script to make div or span a user interface control in HTML without providing a role for the control
QW-WCAG-T27F88Failure of Success Criterion 1.4.8 due to using text that is justified (aligned to both the left and the right margins)
QW-WCAG-T28C12 C13 C14Using percent, em, names for font sizes
QW-WCAG-T29C19Specifying alignment either to the left or right in CSS
QW-WCAG-T30F4Failure of Success Criterion 2.2.2 due to using text-decoration:blink without a mechanism to stop it in less than five seconds
QW-WCAG-T31F24Failure of Success Criterion 1.4.3, 1.4.6 and 1.4.8 due to specifying foreground colors without specifying background colors or vice versa
QW-WCAG-T32H48Using ol, ul and dl for lists or groups of links





Package last updated on 23 Jan 2025

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