Because pipes...
npm install --save @qvvg/mario
use pipe as composition
import {pipe} from "@qvvg/mario"
const double = x => x * 2
const result = await pipe(4, [double, double, double, double])
assert(result.value, 64)
use pipe as validation
import {pipe, Ok, Nope, isOk, isNope} from "@qvvg/mario"
const isString = value => {
return typeof value === "string"
? Ok(value)
: Nope(value, "Needs to be a string!")
const hasAt = value => {
return /@/.test(value) ? Ok(value) : Nope(value, "Must have an @...")
const validateEmail = email => pipe(email, [isString, hasAt])
const v1 = await validateEmail("bob@bob.bob")
assert(v1.value, "bob@bob.bob")
assert(isOk(v1), true)
assert(isNope(v1), false)
const v2 = await validateEmail(1234)
assert(v2.value, 1234)
assert(isOk(v2), false)
assert(isNope(v2), true)
assert(v2.reason, "Needs to be a string!")
const v3 = await validateEmail("bobbob.bob")
assert(v3.value, "bobbob.bob")
assert(isOk(v3), false)
assert(isNope(v3), true)
assert(v3.reason, "Must have an @...")
pipes can be async
import {pipe, Ok, Nope, log} from "@qvvg/mario"
await pipe(null, [
_ => fetch(url),
r => (r.ok ? Ok(r.json()) : Nope(r.json(), r.statusText)),
pipes can handle errors
import {pipe, log} from "@qvvg/mario"
const double = x => x * 2
const bang = x => {
throw new Error("EXPLOSION!!!")
const result = await pipe(4, [
log("I will never happen because bang"),
assert(result.value, 16)
assert(isOk(result), false)
assert(isNope(result), true)
assert(result.reason, "pipe::throw")
assert(result.error.message, "EXPLOSION!!!")
pipes can be composed
import {pipe, Ok} from "@qvvg/mario"
const add = x => y => Ok(x + y)
const result = await pipe(10, [
pipe([add(3), add(-2)]),
pipe([add(-9), add(15)]),
assert(result.value, 12)