A set of tools to enable easy universal rendering and page navigation on a React + Redux stack.
Currently, just use NPM.
npm install -S @r/platform
You also need to install its peer dependencies. For example:
npm install koa@2.0.0 koa-bodyparser@3.0.0 koa-router@7.0.1 koa-static@3.0.0 react@15.0.1 react-redux@4.4.5 react-dom@15.0.0-rc.2 redux@3.4.0 reselect@2.4.0 lodash@4.11.1 @r/middleware@0.5.1
// Server.es6.js
import Server from '@r/platform/Server';
const server = Server({
reducers={}, // Reducers for the Redux store.
routes=[], // A list of touples that maps
// routes to handlers. For example:
// [
// ['/', Frontpage],
// ['/r/:subredditName', Subreddit],
// ]
template=function(data) {...}, // a template function that returns a
// string (likely an HTML string).
port=8888, // OPTIONAL. port for your server.
preRouteServerMiddleware=[], // OPTIONAL. Koa middleware to run
// before a route is handled
postRouteServerMiddleware=[], // OPTIONAL. Koa middleware to run
// after a route is handled
reduxMiddleware=[], // OPTIONAL. Additional Redux middleware.
// Middleware defined here will run
// before r/platform's middleware runs.
// start the server
// Client.es6.js
import Client from '@r/platform/Client';
const client = Client({
reducers={}, // Reducers for the Redux store.
routes=[], // A list of touples that maps
// routes to handlers. For example:
// [
// ['/', Frontpage],
// ['/r/:subredditName', Subreddit],
// ]
appComponent=<div/> // The React component that
// represents the app.
container='container', // OPTIONAL. Id of the DOM element
// the Client App will be rendered into.
dataEl='data', // OPTIONAL. Id of the script tab that
// holds the JSON blob the store is
// initialized with.
modifyData=function(data) {...} // OPTIONAL. A function that mutates the
// data object before it is loaded
// into the client side store.
reduxMiddleware=[], // OPTIONAL. Additional Redux middleware.
// Middleware defined here will run
// before r/platform's middleware runs.
debug=false, // OPTIONAL. Setting debug to true will
// cause redux actions to be logged
// in the console.
// run the client
Creating Routes
r/platform's router differs from most traditional routers. Instead of handlers returning html, they use Redux's dispatch calls to help define a state blob. Methods on the handler are HTTP verbs. Specifically, they are one of get
, post
, put
, patch
, and delete
. These methods MUST return promises.
All methods have access to the following properties:
: the url that spawned this handlerthis.urlParams
: a dictionary of route defined params. e.g. if '/bar' matches '/:foo', urlParams would look like { foo: 'bar' }
: a dictionary of query paramsthis.hashParams
: a dictionary of hash paramsthis.bodyParams
: a dictionary of data that would appear in the request body
Each method is also called with the following arguments:
: a function used to dispatch Redux actionsgetState
: a function that (when called) returns a snapshot of state in the Redux storeutils
: a dictionary of helper methods. Currently contains two methods, waitForState
and waitForAction
. Visit r/middleware for more details on how these operate.
// routes.es6.js
import { BaseHandler } from '@r/platform/router';
import * as actions from '@r/platform/actions';
// Create a handler
class Frontpage extends BaseHandler {
async get(dispatch, getState, { waitForState, waitForAction }) {
// pull out params if necessary
const { foo } = this.queryParams;
// dispatch certain actions synchronously
dispatch(actions.setPage('frontpage', '', '/'));
// if needed, wait on certain tasks to complete before dispatching further.
// on the Server side, the Server will wait for the entire function to
// complete before responding to the request with html.
const importantThing = await importantAsyncFunction();
// use the utility methods to wait on something in state
await waitForState(
state => state.foo === 'foo', // the condition
state => dispatch(/* something */) // the callback if condition is met
// further synchronous dispatches are possible. Thanks to es6/7, these won't
// fire until the previous asynchronous action has completed.
dispatch(/* something else */);
// Export the routes
export default [
['/', Frontpage],
Additional Tools
There are a few additional goodies in r/platform
r/platform exports a Redux reducer (@r/platform/reducer
). This reducer get auto added when using the Client
and Server
functions, so you should never need to import this directly.
r/platform exposes a few Redux actions you can use to navigate through the app. They are:
setPage(pageType, component, url)
: pushes a new page onto the navigation stack.gotoPageIndex(pageIndex)
: navigates to a particular page on the navigation stack.navigateToUrl(method, pathName, { queryParams, hashParams, bodyParams })
: navigate to a url.
r/platform doesn't use a traditional router. So instead, the router exports a Handler and some http verbs.
import { BaseHandler, METHODS } from '@r/platform/router';
console.log(METHODS); // {
// GET: 'get',
// POST: 'post',
// PUT: 'put',
// PATCH: 'patch',
// DELETE: 'delete',
// }
console.log(BaseHandler); // Described in the previous section on creating routes.