What is @react-aria/virtualizer?
@react-aria/virtualizer is a library that provides utilities for efficiently rendering large lists and collections in React applications. It leverages virtualization techniques to only render the visible items, improving performance and reducing memory usage.
What are @react-aria/virtualizer's main functionalities?
Virtualized List
This feature allows you to create a virtualized list where only the visible items are rendered. This improves performance for large lists by reducing the number of DOM elements.
import { useVirtualizer } from '@react-aria/virtualizer';
import { useRef } from 'react';
function VirtualizedList({ items }) {
const parentRef = useRef();
const { virtualItems, totalSize } = useVirtualizer({
count: items.length,
getScrollElement: () => parentRef.current,
estimateSize: () => 35
return (
<div ref={parentRef} style={{ overflow: 'auto', height: '400px' }}>
<div style={{ height: totalSize }}>
{virtualItems.map(virtualRow => (
position: 'absolute',
top: 0,
left: 0,
width: '100%',
transform: `translateY(${virtualRow.start}px)`
Virtualized Grid
This feature allows you to create a virtualized grid where only the visible items are rendered. This is useful for displaying large grids of items efficiently.
import { useVirtualizer } from '@react-aria/virtualizer';
import { useRef } from 'react';
function VirtualizedGrid({ items, columnCount }) {
const parentRef = useRef();
const { virtualItems, totalSize } = useVirtualizer({
count: items.length,
getScrollElement: () => parentRef.current,
estimateSize: () => 100
return (
<div ref={parentRef} style={{ overflow: 'auto', height: '400px' }}>
<div style={{ height: totalSize }}>
{virtualItems.map(virtualItem => (
position: 'absolute',
top: 0,
left: 0,
width: `${100 / columnCount}%`,
transform: `translate(${(virtualItem.index % columnCount) * 100}%, ${Math.floor(virtualItem.index / columnCount) * 100}px)`
Other packages similar to @react-aria/virtualizer
react-window is a library for efficiently rendering large lists and tabular data in React. It provides similar virtualization techniques to @react-aria/virtualizer but is more focused on simplicity and performance. It offers a smaller API surface and is easier to integrate for basic use cases.
react-virtualized is a comprehensive library for rendering large lists and collections in React. It offers a wide range of features including grids, tables, and infinite loaders. Compared to @react-aria/virtualizer, it provides more flexibility and customization options but can be more complex to set up and use.
react-infinite-scroll-component is a library for implementing infinite scrolling in React applications. It focuses on loading more items as the user scrolls, rather than virtualizing the entire list. This can be useful for scenarios where data is loaded incrementally from a server.