The current version (0.x) has some critical validation bugs
To fix them, we need to re-write the library internals.
This next/
folder is where the rewriting is happening
(now in TypeScript, yey!).
We expect the main createHeadlessForm()
API to remain the same,
avoiding any major breaking change.
This is under active development, more info soon!
Ensure that you isolate your workspace to the "next" folder only.
This means:
- In your editor, open only the "next" folder.
- In your terminal, run commands when you are in the "next" folder only.
Otherwise, your editor may fail to set up linting and type checking,
while your terminal may fail to resolve paths.
The limitation of this approach is that
your editor will fail to recognise our git repository here.
This also means you should turn off the editor's suggestion
to open git repository at root.
Node.js Version
This project requires Node.js LTS v22.13.1.
We recommend using the exact version specified in .nvmrc
Navigate to the "next" folder and run:
nvm use
Without the correct Node.js version,
tests and other development tasks will likely fail.