Virtual grid implementation based on webcomponent using StencilJs.
Handles millions of rows and columns fast and efficiently.
Works in any major framework (VueJs, React, Ember, Angular) or with no framework at all.
- Millions of cells virtual viewport scroll with a powerful core is in-build by default. Intelligent Virtual Dom;
- Column and Row custom sizes;
- Column resizing;
- Pinned columns and rows;
- Column grouping;
- Cell editing;
- Custom cell renderer templates (build your own cell view);
- Custom cell editor (apply your own editors and cell types);
- Custom header renderer;
- Drag and drop rows;
- Range selection;
- Multiple others useful features RevoGrid.
The RevoGrid component helps represent a huge amount of data in a form of data table.
Check for more details RevoGrid page.
The library published as a scoped NPM package in the NPMJS Revolist account.
Check for more info on our demo side.
npm install --save @revolist/revogrid;
Basic Usage
Grid works as web component.
All you have to do just to place component on the page and access it properties as an element.
<!DOCTYPE html>
// node_modules path
<script src="node_modules/@revolist/revogrid/dist/revo-grid.js"></script>
// or with unpkg
<script src=""></script>
// Alternatively, if you wanted to take advantage of ES Modules, you could include the components using an import statement. Note that in this scenario applyPolyfills is needed if you are targeting Edge or IE11.
<script type="module">
import { applyPolyfills, defineCustomElements } from '';
applyPolyfills().then(() => {
<revo-grid class="grid-component"/>
const grid = document.querySelector('revo-grid');
const columns = [
prop: 'name',
name: 'First column'
prop: 'details',
name: 'Second column',
cellTemplate: (h, props) => {
return h('div', {
style: {
backgroundColor: 'red'
class: 'inner-cell'
}, props.model[props.prop] || '');
const items = [{
name: 'New item',
details: 'Item description'
grid.columns = columns;
grid.source = items;