@rhoas/app-services-ui-components contains a number of components for the Managed Application Services UI.

The project is documented using Storybook, published on GitHub Pages.
import { Something } from '@rhoas/app-services-ui-components';
<Something />
With npm installed, add the package to your peer and development dependencies.
$ npm install --save-dev --save-peer --save-exact @rhoas/app-services-ui-components
It's not recommended installing the package as a direct dependency to avoid having it bundled in your project's bundle.
Finally, make sure to list the dependency as a shared singleton in your federated
module section on the Webpack's config file.
Be sure to enable the singleton option in order to have the internationalization
layer work correctly.
const { dependencies, peerDependencies } = require('./package.json');
module.exports = () => {
return {
plugins: [
new webpack.container.ModuleFederationPlugin({
name: 'my-module',
filename: 'my-module.js',
exposes: {
'./MyModule': './src/MyModule',
shared: {
react: {
eager: true,
singleton: true,
requiredVersion: peerDependencies['react'],
'react-dom': {
eager: true,
singleton: true,
requiredVersion: peerDependencies['react-dom'],
'react-router-dom': {
singleton: true,
requiredVersion: peerDependencies['react-router-dom'],
'@rhoas/app-services-ui-components': {
singleton: true,
requiredVersion: peerDependencies['@rhoas/app-services-ui-components'],
'@rhoas/app-services-ui-shared': {
singleton: true,
requiredVersion: peerDependencies['@rhoas/app-services-ui-shared'],
'@patternfly/quickstarts': {
singleton: true,
requiredVersion: '*',
This project implements i18n using react-i18next
You can translate strings by using one of the methods provided by react-18next
, like the useTranslation
To make life easier when developing a new Managed Application Services UI or when writing unit tests that also cover translations, the whole react-i18next
library is re-exported by @rhoas/app-services-ui-components
You can translate your content without directly including react-i18next
as a direct dependency of your project by doing:
import { useTranslation } from '@rhoas/app-services-ui-components';
const MyComponent = () => {
const { t } = useTranslation();
return <span>{t('common:status')}</span>
Refer to the react-i18next
documentation for more information.
Optional: set up the shared context providers
This step is required only if you want to run your application without
the app-services-ui
dev server. Never place the following code in components
you make available as a federated module!
import { VoidFunctionComponent } from "react";
import { I18nProvider, ModalProvider } from "@rhoas/app-services-ui-components";
const App: VoidFunctionComponent = () => (
en: {
common: () => import('@rhoas/app-services-ui-components/locales/en/common.json'),
'create-kafka-instance': () => import('@rhoas/app-services-ui-components/locales/en/create-kafka-instance.json'),
kafka: () => import('@rhoas/app-services-ui-components/locales/en/kafka.json'),
metrics: () => import('@rhoas/app-services-ui-components/locales/en/metrics.json'),
overview: () => import('@rhoas/app-services-ui-components/locales/en/overview.json'),
datascienceoverview: () => import('@rhoas/app-services-ui-components/locales/en/datascienceoverview.json'),
kafkaoverview: () => import('@rhoas/app-services-ui-components/locales/en/kafkaoverview.json'),
topic: () => import("../locales/en/topic.json"),
apimgmtoverview: () => import('@rhoas/app-services-ui-components/locales/en/apimgmtoverview.json'),
"manage-kafka-permissions": () => import("@rhoas/app-services-ui-components/locales/en/manage-kafka-permissions.json"),},
my app goes here
See Also