NodeJS client for Galileo Observe.
In the root directory, run:
In the examples directory, run:
npm i
npm link @rungalileo/observe
node openai.js
Making changes
When updating the code, only modify the *.ts files and then run:
npm run format
npm run lint-fix
(this doesn't currently pass)npm run build
Logging data to Galileo Observe
import { GalileoObserveCallback } from "@rungalileo/observe";
const observe_callback = new GalileoObserveCallback("llm_monitor_example", "app_v1")// project and version
await observe_callback.init();
Add the callback {callbacks: [observe_callback]}
in the Langchain invoke step of your application.
Retrieving data from Galileo Observe
import { ApiClient } from "@rungalileo/observe";
const apiClient = new ApiClient();
await apiClient.init("llm_monitor_test_1");// project
You can use this with getLoggedData
to retrieve the raw data.
const rows = await apiClient.getLoggedData(
"2024-03-11T16:15:28.294Z",// ISO start_time string with timezone
"2024-03-12T16:15:28.294Z",// ISO end_time string with timezone
filters,// an array of information like "col_name":"model"
sort_spec,// an array of information like "sort_dir":"asc"
limit// a number of items to return
You can use getMetrics
to get corresponding metrics.
const metrics = await apiClient.getMetrics(