Helpers for package management within the @scalar monorepo
By default all dependencies are externalized and we don't bundle anything for internal modules.
For deployed web apps alternative build methods should be used to provide a client bundle.
In all cases package.json files should have:
"scripts": {
"build": "scalar-build-rollup",
"types:check": "scalar-types-check",
"types:build": "scalar-types-build",
"format": "scalar-format-js",
"lint:check": "eslint .",
"lint:fix": "eslint . --fix",
For Vue/Vite we need a different build command that leverages vite and vue-tsc:
"scripts": {
"build": "scalar-build-vite",
"types:check": "scalar-types-check-vue",
"types:build": "scalar-types-build-vue",
"format": "scalar-format-js",
"lint:check": "eslint .",
"lint:fix": "eslint . --fix",
For non Vue projects we use Rollup for builds. Generally speaking rollup has better management of treeshaking.
Our rollup config support json, yaml, and css import by default.
Static files can be copied over by supplying entries to the copy
A basic rollup.config.ts
file looks like:
import type { RollupOptions } from 'rollup'
import { createRollupConfig } from './src/rollup-options'
const options: RollupOptions = {
input: ['./src/index.ts'],
typescript: true,
export default options
For Vue projects we use Vite to build production code. All the same rollup options can be passed through.
A basic Vite implementation might look like:
import {
} from '@scalar/build-tooling'
import vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue'
import { defineConfig } from 'vitest/config'
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [vue()],
resolve: {
alias: alias(),
server: {
port: 5000,
build: createViteBuildOptions({
entry: await findEntryPoints({ allowCss: true }),