
Unpacks large Lambda binaries to /tmp, such as Tesseract, LibreOffice, Google Chrome, etc
Inspired by chrome-aws-lambda
Used in projects: aws-lambda-tesseract
$ yarn add @shelf/aws-lambda-brotli-unpacker
Version 1.x works with Node 10.x & 12.x only. For Node 8.10 use v0.0.2
Needs Docker installed.
$ npm test
Q: Why do I need this package?
A: It helps if you want to deploy pre-compiled software to use in Lambda. See list of projects where it is used above.
Q: Why bother?
A: Lambda environment has limited software installed. This package helps ship large binaries compiled for Lambda
which unpack to /tmp
folder when Lambda starts.
Q: Why /tmp
A: Lambda has 500 MB of storage in /tmp
Q: Why brotli?
A: This compression algorithm is known for great speed/size ration. Perfect for scarce Lambda resources.
const {unpack} = require('@shelf/aws-lambda-brotli-unpacker');
const {execSync} = require('child_process');
const inputPath = path.join(__dirname, '..', 'bin', '');
const outputPath = '/tmp/tesseract/tesseract';
module.exports.handler = async event => {
await unpack({inputPath, outputPath});
execSync(`${outputPath} -l eng image.png`);
$ git checkout master
$ yarn version
$ yarn publish
$ git push origin master --tags
MIT © Shelf