Smartpay Nodejs SDK
The Smartpay Nodejs SDK offers easy access to Smartpay API from applications written in Nodejs.
Nodejs v12+
npm install --save @smartpay/sdk-node
# or
yarn add @smartpay/sdk-node
The package needs to be configured with your own API keys, you can find them on your dashboard.
const Smartpay = require('@smartpay/sdk-node').default;
const smartpay = new Smartpay('<YOUR_SECRET_KEY>', {
publicKey: '<YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY>',
If you would like to know how Smartpay payment works, please see the payment flow for more details.
Create Checkout session
(async () => {
const payload = {
items: [
name: 'レブロン 18 LOW',
amount: 250,
currency: 'JPY',
quantity: 1,
shipping: {
line1: 'line1',
locality: 'locality',
postalCode: '123',
country: 'JP',
reference: 'order_ref_1234567',
successUrl: '',
cancelUrl: '',
test: true,
const session = await smartpay.createCheckoutSession(payload);
We supports two formats of the checkout session payload. The first one is strict format. You will have the
full control to the session payload if you choose to use strict format. Please checkout the API document for more information about the strict format.
The second supported format is loose format. This format is a less complexity version of the strict format.
Our SDK will transform the payload to strict format before sending to our API endpoint.
To retreive the session URL
const sessionURL = smartpay.getSessionURL(session);
We also prepare a more real-world example for you to refer to.