A simple jest reporter that reports the gas used by various calls to ethereum contracts.
It uses the json
files compiled by truffle parse transactions that occured on ganache
and show gas usage of different contract functions.
Test Suites: 1 passed, 1 total
Tests: 49 passed, 49 total
Snapshots: 0 total
Time: 58.388s
Gas Usage:
Contract Name Method Name Calls Min Gas Max Gas Average Gas
-------------------- -------------------------- ----- ------- ------- -----------
TestContract deposit 20 31032 46032 35532
TestContract withdraw 5 30800 74499 42586
Just add jest-gas-reporter to reporters in your jest config. By default @statechannels/jest-gas-reporter
assume that contract json files are located in ./build/contracts
"reporters": ["default","@statechannels/jest-gas-reporter"]
If you want specify a folder where the contracts are located. @statechannels/jest-gas-reporter
accepts a contractArtifactFolder
"reporters": [
{ "contractArtifactFolder":"output/contract" }