SUKU Doc Authenticator Lib
Usage as a library
After contract deployment it can be used as a library.
Adding a Proof
let docauth = new DocAuthenicator(
nodeUrl, // nodeUrl
receipt.contractAddress, // contractAddress
privateKey // private key that is used for signing
let proofReceipt = await docauth.addProof(fileBuffer, uid);
let docHash = proofReceipt.docHash;
let txReceipt = proofReceipt.txReceipt;
Reading a Proof
let docProof = docauth.readProof(buffer);
Contract Deployment
The Doc Authenticator requires a contract that needs to be deployed to the blockchain. The ./deploydocauthenticator
file allows for flexible contract deployment on any blockchain.
import deployDocAuth from './deploydocauthenticator';
const nodeUrl = "HTTP://xyz";
const privateKey = "abc";
.then( async receipt => {"Contract deployed. Contract address: " + receipt.contractAddress);