SuperAwesome Permissions NestJS
- npm package at
The actual generated docs are at npm run docs:serve
and coming soon at SuperAwesome Permissions for NestJS Documentation. Go to the left, at the CompoDocs Nav Bar.
NOTE: THESE LINKS BREAK ON GITHUB! (^^^ read above ^^^)
Note: This is the underlying SuperAwesome Permissions library.
The project follows semantic versioning which effectivelly means a new major version x.0.0 is released when there are breaking changes, minor 0.x.0 when there are new features and patch 0.0.x when there are fixes.
How to develop
IMPORTANT: do npm install && npm run install-example
on project root before using!
Simply do an npm run test:watch
to develop and test at each change.
With npm run dev
you watch files building library at /dist
With npm run build:ts
you get a build of the library at /dist
With npm run build
you get a full build of library & docs at /dist
End user docs reside at src/docs
With npm run docs:build
it builds docs at dist/docs
With npm run docs:serve
it serves docs at in non-watch mode.
With npm run docs:watch
it serves docs at in watch mode.