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Using npm:

$ npm install @swp/swipe-sdk


The sdk have type system in typescript


import { Swipe } from '@swp/swipe-sdk'
const sdk = new Swipe({
    apiKey: string, // Ex: key
    secret: string, // Ex: secret
    sandbox?: boolean, // default false to acess prod
    customHost?: string, // default null
    debug?: boolean // default false


  • hello
const data = sdk.Ledger.hello()
  • getMyAccount
const data = sdk.Ledger.getMyAccount()
  • createChildrenAccounts
const newAccounts = [
        fields?: {
            '...': '...', // string:string Ex: 'clientType': 'common'
const data = sdk.Ledger.createChildrenAccounts(newAccounts)
const searchOption = {
    queryParams?: {
        '...': '...',
    pagination?: {
        limit?: number, // number bigger than 0
        starting_after: number //number bigger than 0
    fields?: {
        '...': '...', // string:string Ex: 'clientType': 'common'
const data = sdk.Ledger.getChildrenAccounts(searchOption?)
  • getChildAccount
const accountId: string = '...'
const data = sdk.Ledger.getChildAccount(accountId)
  • destroyAccount
const accountId: string = '...'
const data = sdk.Ledger.destroyAccount(accountId)
  • createAsset
const asset = {
    code: string, // Ex: 'BRL' or 'USD' or 'Banana'
    decimalPlaces?: number, // for have a asset like '5.00000' set 5
    fields?: {
        '...': '...', // string:string Ex: 'clientType': 'common'
const data = sdk.Ledger.createAsset(asset)
  • getAssets
const searchOptions = {
    queryParams?: {
        '...': '...',
    pagination?: {
        limit?: number, // number bigger than 0
        starting_after: number //number bigger than 0
    fields?: {
        '...': '...', // string:string Ex: 'clientType': 'common'
const data = sdk.Ledger.getAssets(searchOptions)
  • getAsset
const assetId:string = '...'
const data = sdk.Ledger.getAsset(assetId)
  • getActionBatches
const searchOptions = {
    queryParams?: {
        'fromDate': string, // Ex: '2020-12-18T16:19:09.000Z'
    	'toDate': string, // Ex: '2020-12-18T16:19:09.000Z'
    	'type': ActionType.TRANSFER | ActionType.ISSUE_ASSET | ActionType.BURN_ASSET
    pagination?: {
        limit?: number, // number bigger than 0
        starting_after: number //number bigger than 0
    fields?: {
        '...': '...', // string:string Ex: 'clientType': 'common'
const data = sdk.Ledger.getActionBatches(searchOptions)
  • getActionBatch
const batchId:string = '...'
const data = sdk.Ledger.getActionBatch(batchId)
  • newActionBatch
const newActionsBatchs = {
    actions: [
            type: ActionType.TRANSFER,
            amount: string, // Ex: '2.7'
            from: string, // senderId
            to: string, // receiverId
            assetId: string // assetId
            type: ActionType.ISSUE_ASSET,
            amount: string, // Ex: '4.20'
            to: string, // receiverId
            assetId: string // assetId
            type: ActionType.BURN_ASSET,
            amount: string, // Ex: '3.141549'
            from: string, // senderId
            assetId: string // assetId
    fields?: {
        '...': '...', // string:string Ex: 'clientType': 'common'
const data = sdk.Ledger.newActionBatch(newActionsBatchs)
  • revokeCredentialGetToken
const data = sdk.Ledger.revokeCredentialGetToken()
  • revokeCredential
const token:string = '...'
const data = sdk.Ledger.revokeCredential(token)
  • resetAll
const data = sdk.Ledger.resetAll()


  • addProfileToAccount
const accountId:string = '...'

const profile = {
    name: string, // Ex: 'Frederico Ferreira Franco'
    email: string, // Ex: ''
    phone: string, // Ex: ''+5511900000000'
    cpf: string, // Ex: '000.000.000-00'
    birthDate: string, // Ex: '1990-12-17'
    motherName: string, // Ex: 'Francisca Ferreica Franco'
    fields?: {
        '...': '...', // string:string Ex: 'clientType': 'common'

const data = sdk.Profile.addProfileToAccount(accountId, profile)
  • addProfileToAccountCompany
const profileCompany = {
    name: string, //: Ex: 'Swipe"
    corporateName: string, // Ex: 'Swipe'
    cnpj: string, // Ex: '00.000.000/0000-00' or '00000000000000'
    email: string, // Ex: ''
    phone: string, // Ex: '11900000000'
    cnae?: string, // Ex: 'Agricultor'
    openingDate: string, // Ex: '1990-12-17'
    fields?: {
        '...': '...', // string:string Ex: 'clientType': 'common'
    companyPartner: {
        name: string, // Ex: 'Francisco Ferreiro'
        cpf: string, // Ex: '000.000.000-00' or '00000000000'
        birthDate: string, // Ex: '1990-12-17'
        motherName: string, // Ex: 'Maria Ferreiro'
        cellphone?: string, // Ex: '11900000000'
        fields?: {
            '...': '...', // string:string Ex: 'clientType': 'common'

const data = sdk.Profile.addProfileToAccountCompany(accountId, profileCompany)
  • addAddressToProfile
const accountId:string = '...'

const address = {
    zipCode: string, // Ex: '000000-000'
    city: string, // Ex: 'São João do Rio do Peixe'
    complement?: string, // Ex: 'Logo ali depois da praça do peixe'
    country: string, // Ex: 'BR'
    neighborhood: string, // Ex: 'centro'
    number: string, // Ex: '42'
    state: string, // Ex: 'SP'
    street: string, // Ex: 'Av. Brasil'

const data = sdk.Profile.addAddressToProfile(accountId, address)
  • addDocumentsToProfile
const accountId:string = '...'

const documents = {
    frontSide: string, // Ex: 'C:/Images/image.png'
    backSide?: string, // Ex: 'C:/Images/image.png'
    proofOfResidence: string, // Ex: 'C:/Images/image.png'
    selfie: string // Ex: 'C:/Images/image.png'

const data = sdk.Profile.addDocumentsToProfile(accountId, documents)
  • addDocumentsToProfileCompany
const accountId:string = '...'

const documents = {
    frontSide: string, // Ex: 'C:/Images/image.png'
    backSide?: string, // Ex: 'C:/Images/image.png'
    proofOfResidence: string, // Ex: 'C:/Images/image.png'
    selfie: string, // Ex: 'C:/Images/image.png'
    socialContract: string, // Ex: 'C:/Images/image.png'
    cnpjCard: string // Ex: 'C:/Images/image.png'

const data = sdk.Profile.addDocumentsToProfileCompany(accountId, documents)
  • getProfile
const accountId:string = '...'
const data = sdk.Profile.getProfile(accountId)
  • resetRejectedProfile
const accountId:string = '...'
const data = sdk.Profile.resetRejectedProfile(accountId)
  • aproveProfile
const accountId:string = '...'
const data = sdk.Profile.aproveProfile(accountId)
  • rejectProfile
const accountId:string = '...'
const data = sdk.Profile.rejectProfile(accountId)
  • getUsers
 const searchOptions = {
     queryParams?: {
        'with_balance': boolean,
        'name': string,
        'document': string,
        'status': boolean,
     pagination?: {
         limit?: number, // number bigger than 0
         starting_after: number //number bigger than 0
 const data = sdk.profile.getUsers(searchOptions)


  • newBoleto
const boleto = {
    amount: string, // Ex: '42.0'
    depositAccount: string, // Ex: 'id'
    dueDate: string, // Ex: '2020-08-01T13:38:24.600Z'
    split?: [
            accountId: string, // Ex: accountId
            percentage: number // Ex: 0.55
    fields?: {
        '...': '...', // string:string Ex: 'clientType': 'common'

const data = sdk.CashIn.newBoleto(id)
  • getBoleto
const boletoId:string = '...'
const data = sdk.CashIn.getBoleto(boletoId)
  • boletoPaymentSimulation
const boletoId:string = '...'
const data = sdk.CashIn.boletoPaymentSimulation(boletoId)
  • getBoletoByBarCode
const barCode: string = '...'
const data = sdk.CashIn.getBoletoByBarCode(barCode)
  • getAllBoletos
const searchOptions = {
    queryParams?: {
        'fromDate': string, // Ex: '2020-12-18T16:19:09.000Z'
    	'toDate': string, // Ex: '2020-12-18T16:19:09.000Z'
    pagination?: {
        limit?: number, // number bigger than 0
        starting_after: number //number bigger than 0
    fields?: {
        '...': '...', // string:string Ex: 'clientType': 'common'
const data = sdk.CashIn.getAllBoletos(searchOptions)
  • newTokenCreditCard
const creditCardCustomer = {
    buyer?: {
        document?: string // Ex: '00000000000'
    creditCard: {
        cardNumber: string, // Ex: '0000000000000000'
        holderName: string, // Ex: 'João S Silveira'
        expirationMonth: string, // Ex: '07'
        expirationYear: string, // Ex: '2042'
        securityCode: string, // Ex: '097'

const data = sdk.CashIn.newTokenCreditCard(creditCardCustomer)
  • newCreditCard
const creditCard = {
    installments?: number,
    creditCard: string, // Ex: id
    customer: string, // Ex: id
    amount: string, // Ex: '0.42'
    depositAccount: string, // Ex: id
    split?: [
            accountId: string, // Ex: accountId
            percentage: number
    fields?: {
        '...': '...', // string:string Ex: 'clientType': 'common'
const data = sdk.CashIn.newCreditCard(creditCard)
  • getCreditCardTransactionById
const id:string = '...'
const data = sdk.CashIn.getCreditCardTransactionById(id)
  • getAllCreditCardCashIn
const searchOptions = {
    queryParams?: {
        'fromDate': string, // Ex: '2020-12-18T16:19:09.000Z'
    	'toDate': string, // Ex: '2020-12-18T16:19:09.000Z'
    pagination?: {
        limit?: number, // number bigger than 0
        starting_after: number //number bigger than 0
    fields?: {
        '...': '...', // string:string Ex: 'clientType': 'common'
const data = sdk.CashIn.getAllCreditCardCashIn(searchOptions)
  • getAllCreditCardCustomerByIdCashIn
const data = sdk.CashIn.getAllCreditCardCustomerByIdCashIn()
  • newLotteryCashIn
const lottery = {
    amount: string, // Ex: '3.1415'
    depositAccountId: string // id

const data = sdk.CashIn.newLotteryCashIn(lottery)
  • getAllLotteryCashIn
const searchOptions = {
    queryParams?: {
        'fromDate': string, // Ex: '2020-12-18T16:19:09.000Z'
    	'toDate': string, // Ex: '2020-12-18T16:19:09.000Z'
    pagination?: {
        limit?: number, // number bigger than 0
        starting_after: number //number bigger than 0
    fields?: {
        '...': '...', // string:string Ex: 'clientType': 'common'
const data = sdk.CashIn.getAllLotteryCashIn(searchOptions)
  • getLotteryCashInById
const id:string = '...'
const data = sdk.CashIn.getLotteryCashInById(id)
  • cancelLotteryCashInById
const id:string = '...'
const data = sdk.CashIn.cancelLotteryCashInById(id)
  • confirmLottery
const id:string = '...'
const data = sdk.CashIn.confirmLottery(id)


  • payBoleto
const boleto = {
    amount: string, // Ex: '13.0'
    barCode?: string, // Ex: code
    type?: BoletoType.Utility | BoletoType.General
    withdrawAccountId: string // Ex: id

const data = sdk.CashOut.payBoleto(boleto)
  • getBoleto
const id:string = '...'
const data = sdk.CashOut.getBoleto(id)
  • getBoletoInfo
const barCode:string = '...'
const data = sdk.CashOut.getBoletoInfo(barCode)
  • getAllBoletos
const searchOptions = {
    queryParams?: {
        'fromDate': string, // Ex: '2020-12-18T16:19:09.000Z'
    	'toDate': string, // Ex: '2020-12-18T16:19:09.000Z'
    pagination?: {
        limit?: number, // number bigger than 0
        starting_after: number //number bigger than 0
    fields?: {
        '...': '...', // string:string Ex: 'clientType': 'common'
const data = sdk.CashOut.getAllBoletos(searchOptions)
  • newBankTransfer
const bankTransfer = {
    amount: string, // Ex: '12.0'
    withdrawAccountId: string, // Ex: id
    receiver: {
        bankCode: string, // Ex: '340'
        bankAgency: string, // Ex: '2000'
        bankAgencyDigit?: string, // Ex: '0'
        bankAccount: string, // Ex: '12345'
        bankAccountDigit?: string, // Ex: '1'
        name: string, // Ex: 'João Silva Silveira'
        document: string, // Ex: '12345678910'
    fields?: {
        '...': '...', // string:string Ex: 'clientType': 'common'

const data = sdk.CashOut.newBankTransfer(bankTransfer)
  • getBankTransfer
const id:string = '...'
const data = sdk.CashOut.getBankTransfer(id)
  • getBanks
const data = sdk.CashOut.getBanks()
  • getAllBankTransfers
const searchOptions = {
    queryParams?: {
        'fromDate': string, // Ex: '2020-12-18T16:19:09.000Z'
    	'toDate': string, // Ex: '2020-12-18T16:19:09.000Z'
    pagination?: {
        limit?: number, // number bigger than 0
        starting_after: number //number bigger than 0
    fields?: {
        '...': '...', // string:string Ex: 'clientType': 'common'

const data = sdk.CashOut.getAllBankTransfers(searchOptions)
  • newTopUp
const topUp = {
    providerId: number, //  Ex: providerId
    amount: string, // Ex: '12.0'
    withdrawAccountId: string, // Ex: accountId
    phone?: string, // Ex: '00900000000'
    tvSignerCode?: string, // Ex: id
    fields?: {
        '...': '...', // string:string Ex: 'clientType': 'common'

const data = sdk.CashOut.newTopUp(topUp)
  • confirmTopUp
const id:string = '...'
const data = sdk.CashOut.confirmTopUp(id)
  • cancelTopUp
const id:string = '...'
const data = sdk.CashOut.cancelTopUp(id)
  • findPhoneProvider
const phoneStateCode:number = number
const phoneNumber:string = '...'

const data = sdk.CashOut.findPhoneProvider(phoneStateCode, phoneNumber)
  • getTopUpCashOutById
const id:string = '...'
const data = sdk.CashOut.getTopUpCashOutById(id)
  • getAllTopUpProviders
const id:string = {
    phoneStateCode?: number,
    category?: number,
    type?: number
const data = sdk.CashOut.getAllTopUpProviders(id)
  • getAvailableAmountsForProvider
const id:number = number
const phoneStateCode:string = '...'

const data = sdk.CashOut.getAvailableAmountsForProvider(id, phoneStateCode?)
  • newLotteryCashOut
const lotteryWithdrawal = {
    amount: string, // Ex: '2.0'
    withdrawAccountId: string, // id
const data = sdk.CashOut.newLotteryCashOut(lotteryWithdrawal)
  • getAllLotteryCashOut
const searchOptions = {
    queryParams?: {
        'fromDate': string, // Ex: '2020-12-18T16:19:09.000Z'
    	'toDate': string, // Ex: '2020-12-18T16:19:09.000Z'
    pagination?: {
        limit?: number, // number bigger than 0
        starting_after: number //number bigger than 0
    fields?: {
        '...': '...', // string:string Ex: 'clientType': 'common'
const data = sdk.CashOut.getAllLotteryCashOut(searchOptions)
  • getLotteryCashOutById
const id:string = '...'
const data = sdk.CashOut.getLotteryCashOutById(id)
  • cancelLotteryCashOut
const id:string = '...'
const data = sdk.CashOut.cancelLotteryCashOut(id)
  • confirmLottery
const id:string = '...'
const data = sdk.CashOut.confirmLottery(id)


  • createLogin
const login = {
    login: string, // Ex: 'the_quick_brown_fox' or ''
    password: string,
    accountId: string, // accountId

const data = sdk.Login.createLogin(login)
  • newSession
const login = {
    email: string, // Ex: 'the_quick_brown_fox' or ''
    password: string,
    expirationInDays?: number // Ex: 10

const data = sdk.Login.newSession(login)
  • isSessionActive
const id:string = '...'
const data = sdk.Login.isSessionActive(id)
  • destroySession
const id:string = '...'
const data = sdk.Login.destroySession(id)
  • addNewTermsAndConditions
const newTermsAndConditions = {
    text:string = '...', // Ex: 'Payment account opening agreement...'

## <a name="History">History</a>

@deprecated The method should not be used, use getAllTransactionHistory
- getTransactionHistory
const searchOptions = {
     queryParams?: {
         'fromDate': string, // Ex: '2020-12-18T16:19:09.000Z'
     	'toDate': string, // Ex: '2020-12-18T16:19:09.000Z'
     pagination?: {
         limit?: number, // number bigger than 0
         starting_after: number //number bigger than 0
     fields?: {
         '...': '...', // string:string Ex: 'clientType': 'common'
const data = sdk.history.getTransactionHistory(id, searchOptions)
  • getAllTransactionHistory
import {HistoryStatus, Service, ServiceType} from "./history";

const searchOptions = {
    queryParams? : {
        'fromDate': string, // Ex: '2020-12-18T16:19:09.000Z'
        'toDate': string, // Ex: '2020-12-18T16:19:09.000Z'
        'service': string, // EX: 'LEDGER,CASH_IN' // Service 
        'serviceType': string, // EX: 'BANK_SLIP,CREDIT_CARD' // ServiceType 
        'document': string,
        'amountTo': string,
        'amountFrom': string,
        'name': string,
        'status': HistoryStatus,
    pagination? : {
        limit? : number, // number bigger than 0
        starting_after: number //number bigger than 0
    fields? : {
        '...': '...', // string:string Ex: 'clientType': 'common'

const data = sdk.history.getAllTransactionHistory(id, searchOptions)



Package last updated on 25 Feb 2022

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