React Native Image Zoom
This is a fork of a fork that works reasonably well with react-native-snap-carousel. Only forked because the original fork did not publish to npm and I'm not willing to depend on the master branch of someone else's repository. More info on this code can be found here:
Show Cases
Zoom while sliding
Intelligent zoom
Getting Started
npm i @synconset/react-native-image-zoom --save
yarn add @synconset/react-native-image-zoom
Basic Usage
- Install create-react-native-app first
$ npm install -g create-react-native-app
- Initialization of a react-native project
$ create-react-native-app AwesomeProject
- Then, edit
, like this:
import { Image, Dimensions } from 'react-native';
import ImageZoom from 'react-native-image-pan-zoom';
export default class App extends React.Component {
render: function() {
return (
<ImageZoom cropWidth={Dimensions.get('window').width}
<Image style={{width:200, height:200}}
Props | Type | Description | DefaultValue |
cropWidth(required) | number | operating area width | 100 |
cropHeight(required) | number | operating area height | 100 |
imageWidth(required) | number | picture width | 100 |
imageHeight(required) | number | picture height | 100 |
onClick | ()=>void | onClick | ()=>{} |
panToMove | boolean | allow to move picture with one finger | true |
pinchToZoom | boolean | allow scale with two fingers | true |
clickDistance | number | how many finger movement can also trigger onClick | 10 |
horizontalOuterRangeOffset | (offsetX?: number)=>void | horizontal beyond the distance, the parent to do picture switching, you can listen to this function. When this function is triggered, you can do the switch operation | ()=>{} |
onDragLeft | ()=>void | trigger to switch to the left of the graph, the left sliding speed exceeds the threshold when triggered | ()=>{} |
responderRelease | (vx: number)=>void | let go but do not cancel | ()=>{} |
maxOverflow | number | maximum sliding threshold | 100 |
longPressTime | number | long press threshold | 800 |
onLongPress | ()=>void | on longPress | ()=> {} |
doubleClickInterval | number | time allocated for second click to be considered as doublClick event | 175 |
onMove | ( position: IOnMove )=>void | reports movement position data (helpful to build overlays) | ()=> {} |
centerOn | { x: number, y: number, scale: number, duration: number } | if given this will cause the map to pan and zoom to the desired location | undefined |
enableSwipeDown | boolean | for enabling vertical movement if user doesn't want it | false |
enableHorizontalBounce | boolean | for enabling bouncing back to image when overscrolling horizontally | false |
enableCenterFocus | boolean | for disabling focus on image center if user doesn't want it | true |
onSwipeDown | () => void | function that fires when user swipes down | null |
swipeDownThreshold | number | threshold for firing swipe down function | 230 |
minScale | number | minimum zoom scale | 0.6 |
maxScale | number | maximum zoom scale | 10 |
Method | params | Description |
reset | | Reset the position and the scale of the image |
resetScale | | Reset the scale of the image |
centerOn | ICenterOn | Centers the image in the position indicated. ICenterOn={ x: number, y: number, scale: number, duration: number } |
Development pattern
Step 1, run TS listener
After clone this repo, then:
npm install
npm start
Step 2, run demo
cd demo
npm install
npm start
Then, scan the QR, use your expo app.