Local Tableland
This repo contains tooling to get a sandboxed single node Tableland Network running locally. This is under active developement and subject to breaking changes without warning.
Potential uses include:
- connecting to a local instance of tableland so initial testing and development doesn't need to rely on a testnet like Mumbai or Görli.
- Running end to end tests while contibuting changes to core Tableland products like the JS SDK, Smart Contract, and/or the Validator.
- Exploring, writing, and debuggin Policy Contracts.
- Enabling automated tests that run against an actual Tableland Network
Requirements for a Tableland Network
A Tableland Network at it's most basic is made up of two parts. An EVM compatable Blockchain with the Tableland Registry contract deployed to it, and a Tableland Validator that can listen to events emitted from the contract.
This repository does not contain either of those parts. It contains tooling to help automate setup, configuration, and running of a network. All of this requires that you have Node.js (including npm and npx), Docker, and Git installed.
Quick Start
Once Docker is running just do npx local-tableland
and an interactive prompt will open and guide you through setting up your Tableland project. After setup is done you can do npx local-tableland
again and a locally running tableland network will start. You can now connect your app, deploy contracts, and develop in a sandboxed environment without spending testnet coin.
Configuring Your Wallet to Connect
Under the hood Local Tableland is running an in memory instance of Hardhat Network. When connecting a wallet the RPC URL is and the chainId is 31337. Checkout the Hardhat docs for more details.
Connecting With The JS SDK
Using the JS SDK is very straight forward. In the connection options simply specify chain: 'local-tableland'
. For example:
import { connect } from '@tableland/sdk';
const tableland = connect({ chain: 'local-tableland' });
Interacting With the Registy Contract
Because the Registry Contract is always deployed in the same way on a fresh in memory Hardhat chain, the contract address is always the same, 0xe7f1725E7734CE288F8367e1Bb143E90bb3F0512
. All other registry addresses can be found in the Registry contract repository
More Detailed Setups
If you are using Local Tableland to run tests for your project
If you are using this while contributing to the JS SDK, the Validator, or the Registry contract
Keep and eye out for Zombie processes. Killing the process should kill all of the subprocesses, and cleanup everything Docker has done during startup. But it's still worth watching for zombies 🧟, if you find any problems or ways for this tooling to better manage cleanup please open an issue.