Talixo Badge
Simple badge component
How to install
Package is available as @talixo/badge
in NPM registry, so you can use it in your project
using npm install @talixo/badge --save
or yarn add @talixo/badge
Your package should additionally have some extra dependencies:
@talixo/shared: ^1.0.0-alpha.35
prop-types: ^15.6.1
react: ^18.2.0
These packages are required by @talixo/badge
, but you have to install them manually,
to avoid having different versions of these in your application.
Supported props
It allows any props which are allowed for span
. Additionally, it handles some differently:
Property name | Type | Default | Description |
className | string | n/a | additional class name passed to wrapper |
children | node | n/a | node element to display inside badge |
pill | bool | false | should this badge be a pill? |
onRemove | function | n/a | handler for clicking on "remove" button (which will be shown when handler is used) |
removeText | node | × | content of "remove" button |