Send test run reports to your testomat.io project. Get the API key from testomat.
You can refer sample tests from example folder of this repo. This is a basic example. If you need something full fledged you can refer this example repo
Add @testomatio/reporter
package to your project:
npm i @testomatio/reporter --save
For testcafe use testcafe reporter
npm i testcafe-reporter-testomatio
Make sure you load all your tests using check-test.
Add plugin to codecept conf
plugins: {
testomatio: {
enabled: true,
require: '@testomatio/reporter/lib/adapter/codecept',
apiKey: process.env.API_KEY || 'API_KEY',
Get the API_KEY from your testomat console
Run tests with
TESTOMATIO=<API_KEY> npx codeceptjs run`
CodeceptJS Parallel Run
If tests run parallel, like workers in codeceptJS use start-test-run
command to get proper reports
TESTOMATIO=<API_KEY> npx start-test-run -c 'npx codeceptjs run-workers 2'
Specify a command to run with -c
option in start-test-run
Add a reporter to Playwright config:
reporter: [
['@testomatio/reporter/lib/adapter/playwright.js', {
apiKey: process.env.TESTOMATIO,
Execute tests providing Api Key as TESTOMATIO environment variables:
TESTOMATIO=<API_KEY> npx playwright test
Load the test using using check-test
if not done already. Get the test id from testomat account and add it to your mocha test like in this example
run the following command from you project folder
mocha --reporter ./node_modules/testomat-reporter/lib/adapter/mocha.js --reporter-options apiKey=API_KEY
Load the test using using check-test
. Add the test id to your tests like in this example
Add the following line to jest.config.js
reporters: ['default', ['../../lib/adapter/jest.js', { apiKey: API_KEY }]],
Run your tests.
Load you test using check-cucumber
Run cucumber test with this formatter and API key in environment in TESTOMATIO
TESTOMATIO=api_key ./node_modules/.bin/cucumber-js --format ./node_modules/@testomatio/reporter/lib/adapter/cucumber.js
Load the test using using check-test
run the following command from you project folder
TESTOMATIO={apiKey} npx testcafe chrome -r testomatio
Load the test using using check-test
Add the following line to conf.js
const JasmineReporter = require("@testomatio/reporter/lib/adapter/jasmine");
exports.config = {
onPrepare: () => {
.addReporter(new JasmineReporter({ apiKey: process.env.TESTOMATIO }));
run the following command from you project folder
TESTOMATIO={apiKey} npx @testomatio/reporter@latest -c 'npx protractor conf.js'
Advanced Usage
Adding Report to Run by ID
This feature is widely used when a run is executed on CI.
A run is created before the test is started and it is marked as scheduled
. Then
a report is assigned to that run using TESTOMATIO_RUN
environment variable and ID of a run:
TESTOMATIO={apiKey} TESTOMATIO_RUN={runId} <actual run command>
Setting Report Title
Give a title to your reports by passing it as environment variable to TESTOMATIO_TITLE
TESTOMATIO={apiKey} TESTOMATIO_TITLE="title for the report" <actual run command>
Adding Report to RunGroup
Create/Add run to group by providing TESTOMATIO_RUNGROUP_TITLE
TESTOMATIO={apiKey} TESTOMATIO_RUNGROUP_TITLE="Build ${BUILD_ID}" <actual run command>
Adding Environments to Run
Add environments to run by providing TESTOMATIO_ENV
as comma seperated values:
TESTOMATIO={apiKey} TESTOMATIO_ENV="Windows, Chrome" <actual run command>
Attaching Screenshots
To save a screenshot of a failed test use S3 storage.
Please note, that the storage is not connected to Testomatio.
This allows you to store your artifacts on your own account and not expose S3 credentials.
To save screenshots provide a configuration for S3 bucket via environment variables.
- S3_REGION - Region your bucket lies.
- S3_BUCKET - Bucket name.
- S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID - Access key.
- S3_ENDPOINT - for providers other than AWS
AWS S3 bucket is required to have public-read
permission to operate. Public links are used by Testomatio to display screenshots in UI.
For local testing, it is recommended to store this configuration in .env
file and load it with dotenv library.
On CI set environment variables in CI config.
Starting an Empty Run
If you want to create a run and obtain its RunID from Testomat.io you can use --launch
TESTOMATIO={apiKey} npx @testomatio/reporter@latest --launch
This command will return RunID which you can pass to other testrunner processes.
When executed with --launch
a command provided by -c
flag is ignored
Manually Finishing Run
If you want to finish a run started by --launch
use --finish
environment variable is required:
TESTOMATIO={apiKey} TESTOMATIO_RUN={runId} npx @testomatio/reporter@latest --finish