Things-Factory is an environment to develop mobile-oriented apps.
- It is based on module structure.
- You can configure related feature sets for each module.
- It is removable by module.
- You can define dependencies between modules. Apply nodejs module dependency structure.
- Redux pattern
- Use i18next for internationalization
- Packaging function uses webpack
- The code set is based on es6,7,8, and transpiling with babel
- class-properties
- decorators
- object-rest-spread
- Using Web Component-based DomElement - Defining custom element with LitElement
- It is activated by linking with URL path and history in Single Page Application.
- Each page is loaded at the time of initial activation. (lazy loading)
- Zero Configuration function. It uses SSDP (Service Discovery Protocol) to automatically find services to be connected automatically and provide related functions. For example, it attempts to connect automatically by finding a server to connect to.
- Token-based authentication (requires improvement to be supported by the server framework)
Structural conventions
- Redux
- The way to manage the overall state of an Application is using Redux pattern.
- The application, or base modules, can prepare points in the store that can be extended by a sub-module and provide an action.
- The sub-modules connect to the extension structure of the application or parent module using the action defined in the parent (base) module.
- Page, Layout and Component
- Pages are activated by associating with the URL. (route)
- Layouts provide a framework for the layout and structure of the entire application UI elements.
- The components provide independent (atomic) functionality.
- The component excludes dependencies on the application in order to maintain implementation independence.
- Style maintains its independence by using css variables.
- Multilinguals maintain independence by using i18n-msg components. (Only have dependencies on i18n-msg.)
- The component does not have a premise for the layout (display, position) of the host (container) to which it will be used.
- page, layouts are connected to redux.
- Components do not connect to redux, but they work with pages through properties.
- Base Module and extension (common) Modules (ex. provider, ui)
- The Base Module provides an abstract definition of special functions.
- The Base Module is said to provide functional services to the extension module.
- The extension module can add the base module as a dependent module and directly use the functions defined in the base module.
- Another way the extension module extends the Base Module is by using the reducer and action added to the store.
- The Base Module is a base module that reads a group of modules. For example, board-base module is a base module for all board functions. In addition, label-base module defines and implements functions related to the label, including barcode label pop-up, barcode label scanning, barcode label rendering and printing.
- The naming convention of base module for xxx module is 'xxx-base'.
- Provider Module
- Sub-module that fills the data of Base module
- It mainly serves to fill the data defined in Base module from the external server.
- The naming convention for Provider module of xxx module is 'xxx-provider'.
- If it is necessary to be distinguished by the way data is provided, the naming convention for Provider module of xxx module using yyy method can be defined as 'xxx-provider-yyy'.
- UI Module
- Sub-module responsible for the screen configuration related to Base module
- The naming convention for UI module of xxx module is 'xxx-ui'.
- If it is necessary to be distinguished by UI configuration method, the naming convention for UI module of xxx module using yyy method may be 'xxx-ui-yyy'.
- Shell, Module and Application
- Shell provides all the structures that enable the module structure in the development and execution stages.
- redux, assets, routing
- build module, build application
- Module is only responsible for implementing its own purpose in the Shell base.
- Application is the final product that consists of the modules necessary for the purpose of Shell and the user.
- Configurations by Application
- Manifest file (brand-related - application name, logo image)
- Other brand related - homepage link, banner logo
- Style : Representative color table, other css variables
- Server connection IP
- Other source/resource override
Other coding conventions
"field.system brief": "System Brief" (x)
"field.system brief": "system brief" (o)
You can set it to style where you need it.
text-transform: capitalize;
text-transform: uppercase;
- If possible, use ‘ms.json’ rather than ‘ms-My.json’. In particular, use ‘ms-My’ only if it is a Malay language that is used differently only in Malaysia.
- Control the authentication process through auth base.
- Set authentication through auth base.
- Provide auth action.
- You can change store through authentication related action.
- Provide auth reducer.
- That is, it sets through auth base and provides auth-related extension point.
- In particular, auth base function is provided directly in things-factory shell.
- Provide the client side authentication process based on JSON webtoken.
Install Windows Subsystem for Linux on Windows (Windows)
Install WSL using Ubuntu following
VS Code Extensions
Prettier - Code formatter
VS Code Configuration
Format on save: true
nodejs (v8.0.0 and above)
npm install -g cordova
Chrome Browser Extension
npm install -g yo
Things Factory Generator
npm install -g generator-things-factory
Node-gyp (For Ubuntu)
npm install -g node-gyp
Python2 (For Ubuntu)
sudo apt-get install python
npm install --python=python2.7
npm config set python python2.7
mdns (For Ubuntu)
sudo apt-get install build-essential
sudo apt-get install libavahi-compat-libdnssd-dev
node-printer (For Ubuntu)
sudo apt-get install libcups2-dev
Create a new app
$ yo things-factory:app
Create a new module
base module
$ yo things-factory:base-module
ui module
$ yo things-factory:ui-module